[Vision2020] Vale Update, March

whayman at adelphia.net whayman at adelphia.net
Thu Mar 15 19:38:23 PDT 2007

WOW!  we were just there on Wednesday! 
warrens son - russ 

Hello All,

Russ was not kidding, and flipped out seeing the pictures. We, of course, realized our camera batteries were dead only after we arrived to go hiking. 

Leslie Gulch is even more than these fine pictures. Named after a Mr Leslie who was killed by lightning in the gulch in the ninetheenth century. 

Meantime, we've been birdwatching at Malheur and staying at a hot springs with free internet. What a great way to temporarily forget such non-accomplishing idiocy as English-only laws etc.

Warren Hayman, who has spoken only English since arriving here.

---- lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> wrote: 
> Here are some nice pictures taken in the Jordan Valley area. They were taken by Alina Rice. Her and Jereld were married last year at Ottis Parks pace at Deary( a horse back wedding). They now live at Vale Oregon. She works For NRCS and he is a Veterinarian.

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