[Vision2020] Warming Affirmed as Moral Issue

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 11 19:04:57 PDT 2007

keely emerinemix wrote:

>I like anything that begins "rebuffing Christian radio broadcaster James 
>Dobson . . . " and I applaud the NAE for not bowing to the pressure exerted 
>by the Focus on the Family types.
>Care for the environment should have captured the passion of evangelicals 
>for generations.  Portraying oneself as a worshiper of the Giver while 
>trouncing upon the gift seems more than a little incongruous, and the 
>consequences have been a peril to all life.  

It's also a cause that, at the very least, pagans and Wiccans can get 
behind as well.  Other faiths that have a nature-worship element, such 
as Shinto, would probably be behind it, too.  Presumably Judaism and 
Islam as well, since they share the Genesis book.  I wouldn't be 
surprised if Buddhism and Hinduism also had pro-environment stands as 
well.  In fact, the only group I can think of right off the bat that 
might be against it would be LaVey Satanists, since they tend to have a 
belief in the rightness of Man to do as he pleases.  Luciferian 
Satanists would likely be against it, too, if they found out the 
Christians were for it.

There are not too many issues I can think of that could potentially 
cross so many boundaries.

So, instead of taking up a cause that could help mend fences and 
potentially save the lives of millions of registered voters, Dobson 
decides to focus on gay marriage - as if two men or two women marrying 
could affect his marriage in any way.


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