[Vision2020] Al Gore wins an Oscar for...
Debbie Gray
graylex at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 3 21:08:31 PST 2007
A story in the spokesman review on Wed, Feb 28 (am
just wading through the week's papers today)...
relevant excerpt:
'A spokeswoman for Gore said he purchases enough
"green power" renewable energy sources such as
solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent
of his electricity costs.
"Sometimes when people don't like the message, in this
case that global warming is real, it's convenient to
attack the messenger," Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider
Gore participates in a utility program that sells
blocks of "green power" for an extra $4 a month. Gore
purchases 108 such blocks every month, covering 16,200
kilowatt-hours and helping subsidize renewable energy
Of course we can all improve our efforts, but it's
really disappointing that some choose to use this
information about his electricity use to delete the
importance of what he is trying to say.
Debbie Gray
--- Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com> wrote:
> Given Al Gore's wealth, wouldn't he make even more
> of a powerful statement
> if he purchased green power to offset the CO2
> emissions connected to his
> lifestyle, and also downsized his energy
> consumption, thus reducing CO2
> outputs even more? Not everyone has the disposable
> wealth to purchase CO2
> reductions connected to their outputs, as Al Gore
> can.
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