[Vision2020] Day-Care Rules Slammed

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Thu Mar 1 10:12:30 PST 2007

Most of those legislators have been raised to believe that women  
should be kept home and kept pregnant. This is a faith-based  
position, and therefore beyond criticism, so we must be Politically  
Correct and not slam them.


[Vision2020] Day-Care Rules Slammed

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Mar 1 05:50:11 PST 2007

 >From today's (March 1, 2008) Spokesman Review -

"The report said elected officials could take "simple steps" to ease the
worst problems."

However, it is painfully clear that our state legislature's own  
Health and
Welfare Committee are not willing to even take the simplest of steps to
protect the health and safety of the children of Idaho's working  

Maybe they are simply too eager to go wolf hunting with Butch.

House Bill 163

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