[Vision2020] Global Warming

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 00:33:42 PST 2007

Global warming is a reality.  Or maybe it isn't.
By Nathan Firkle.
Thames Staff Writer

February 28, 2207

Wasal, Maryland — GLOBAL warming has deleteriously affected the
climate of the earth, and it is our fault.  Or maybe it isn't.  And
maybe it hasn't.

In a press release that surprised no one, the Anti-Global Warming
Alarmist League announced that they were absolutely positively certain
that any global warming that had occurred was grossly exaggerated, and
not the fault of mankind.  They provided quotes from top scientists
providing authoritative testimonials.  Later that day, the Albert Gore
Memorial Global Warning Trust announced that they positive without a
shadow of a doubt that horrendous global warming that has plagued
earth was indisputably caused by the actions of man.  They also
provided quotes from top scientists providing authoritative

The Thames Global News interviewed unqualified but opinionated
citizens for their views.

Said Arlene Winkmeyer, of Kansas City, Kansas:  "Global warming is
ruining our world.  And we definitely caused it."

Arlo Spankbottom responded: "Arlene drives a QuadroMax SUV.  That
makes her a hypocrite. What can hypocrites know about global warming?
Besides, global warming is a myth.  Look at the evidence provided by
the Anti-Global Warming Alarmist League.  It's irrefutable."

Arlene retorted:  "The Anti-Global Warming Alarmist League is full of
baloney.  The Albert Gore Memorial Global Warning Trust is who I
trust.  Their evidence is rock solid."

Gallup polls reveal a nation divided on this matter, with 49.84%
affirming global warming, and 47.43% opposed, with the remainder

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