[Vision2020] "Illegals" OK only if they fight in Iraq

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 3 08:50:36 PDT 2007


So are you suggesting we shouldn't offer these things to our own citizens.

What I am saying is not to do these, for ILLEGALS.

>From: "Andreas Schou" <ophite at gmail.com>
>To: "Matt Decker" <mattd2107 at hotmail.com>
>CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] "Illegals" OK only if they fight in Iraq
>Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 00:36:26 -0700
> > Let us not forget of our policies that grant lower income people with 
> > health care, education, and the idea of prosperity in the good ol USA.
>Matt --
>We offer free education, and some healthcare to American citizens. You
>know. American citizens. People born in America. A country with
>birthright citizenship.
>We also offer less-than-minimum-wage jobs.
>-- ACS
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