[Vision2020] "Illegals" OK only if they fight in Iraq

Nick Gier ngier at uidaho.edu
Sun Jun 3 08:09:40 PDT 2007

Good Morning:

Larry Kudlow, writing for the conservative journal National Review 
(4/4/06), goes beyond the requests of the current legislation.  He 
urges Congress to expand the ridiculously low unskilled H-2B quota 
from 140,000 to the millions of visas that are needed for our service 
and agricultural economy.

Kudlow also reminds Americans that "illegals have [paid] $7 billion 
to Social Security and $1.5 billion to Medicare. They are 
contributing to our wealth, not reducing it."  He also adds that 
"only 10 percent of illegal Mexicans have sent a child to an American 
public school and just 5 percent have received food stamps or 
unemployment benefits."

Nick Gier
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