[Vision2020] Chamberof Commerce turmoil

Saundra Lund sslund at roadrunner.com
Fri Jul 27 11:08:12 PDT 2007

It's disturbing, isn't it?  I had really hoped the internal problems that
have plagued the Chamber for a few years might have been resolved in the
time since they were first brought to light, and I'm sorry to see that isn't
the case  :-(((

It seems to many in the community that the things a community needs to
support business (a strong public school system, a strong Chamber of
Commerce, trust, transparency) are being ripped apart by the very people who
keep saying Moscow is anti-business  :-(

For those who've not seen it, here's an article that appeared in this
morning's LMT -- unfortunately, it doesn't shed any light on the Chamber
Board president abandoning the ship last week:

Moscow chamber director calls it quits
By Joel Mills of the Tribune
July 27, 2007

MOSCOW - When a radio reporter called asking questions about a supposedly
confidential board meeting, Dennis O'Keefe knew it was time to quit.

O'Keefe, who just started as executive director of the Moscow Chamber of
Commerce on July 7, resigned Wednesday night. He said the breach of
confidence was the last straw in a litany of problems he's faced since
moving from Boise to Moscow last month.

"This is an unacceptable business practice anywhere in the United States," a
seemingly content O'Keefe said of information he feels was leaked from the
meeting by a malicious board or staff member.

Pam Hays, board president and owner of Hodgins Drug in Moscow, didn't return
calls Thursday seeking comment. Instead, she issued a short news release
announcing O'Keefe's resignation and expressing gratitude for his service.

"The Chamber Board appreciated his efforts in the brief time he was with
us," Hays wrote in the release. "We wish him well in all his future
endeavors. The search committee will resume their quest for a new executive

The news release also mentioned the chamber's first Moscow Motorcycle
Classic this weekend at the county fairgrounds. O'Keefe said events like the
motorcycle rally were part of the many problems he saw at the chamber.

"I didn't even know about it until I started the job," he said. When he
asked to see the event's budget, he said he was told one hadn't been
created. But the next day someone had anonymously typed a budget and slipped
it under his office door. "I'm like, 'What is this, high school?' "

And O'Keefe said he had a problem staging an event that would benefit a
narrow swath of the chamber's membership. Only service operations like
restaurants and hotels see increased business from such events, he said, and
his mission was to serve all the chamber's members.

"We were using a vast amount of funds to throw a party that will benefit a
few," he said. "If this doesn't come off, it will wreck the (chamber's)

He said those service businesses deserve attention from the chamber, but so
does the rest of the membership.

That approach rubbed a few of the more conservative board members the wrong
way, O'Keefe said. He said there are three in particular, but declined to
name them. "There's no question that the small right came at me, guns

Those adversarial board members started spreading rumors about him, some
personal, O'Keefe claimed. "It's the perpetual little roadblocks and

O'Keefe also spelled out problems working with chamber staff, whom he called
"passive-aggressive" and uncooperative. And he said he wasn't informed
during his hiring process about ongoing and emerging financial problems at
the chamber.

He said he only found out after he started work that dues-paying membership
has been in decline and the chamber's $20,000 line of credit was fully

Other board members contacted by the Lewiston Tribune referred questions to
Hays and declined comment, other than Camas Prairie Winery owner Stuart
Scott. Scott chaired the search committee that hired O'Keefe, and said the
committee has offered the job to the runner-up.

That person, who Scott didn't name, said he would have to consult with his
family before accepting the position, Scott said.

O'Keefe said some of the unease he felt in the position was political. The
first group he addressed as executive director was the left-leaning Moscow
Civic Association. There he proposed building an environmentally friendly
business park that could accommodate high-tech companies with more than a
few employees.

"I'm quite sure some of the more conservative business owners were upset
that I talked to MCA," he said. "But I was also going to talk to (the
right-leaning Greater Moscow Alliance)."

O'Keefe said he's moving back to Boise and will look for another nonprofit
to run. If he can't find one, he said he'll likely return to selling real


Mills may be contacted at jmills at lmtribune.com or (208) 883-0564.

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Bruce and Jean Livingston
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 3:34 PM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Cc: nathan alford; Omie Drawhorn; David Johnson; Kai Eiselein
Subject: [Vision2020] Chamberof Commerce turmoil

What is up with the Chamber of Commerce?

First the president resigns last week.  Now, the new Executive Director 

What in the world is going on?

Bruce Livingston

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <soldmoscow at yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 3:22 PM
Subject: Yahoo! Auto Response

> Effective July 25, 2007, I resigned my position as the Executive Director 
> of the Chamber of Commerce in Moscow, Idaho.  Information about a board 
> meeting was released by an unknown board member to at least one media 
> outlet.  Additionally, key financial information was withheld from me.  I 
> fully expect the certain members of the Board to attack me as they have 
> while I was attempting to work for ALL the business community in Moscow.
> Moscow is a great town with great potential.  There are some fantastic 
> business people and a board members.  I wish the good people of Moscow the

> very best and hope they are able to overcome the obstacles in front of 
> them.
> Dennis O'Keefe

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