[Vision2020] real manliness

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Wed Jul 11 09:41:16 PDT 2007

I don't mind, really, that Heirdoug worries that my poor husband is neglected while I write shrill, hysterical screeds on Vision 2020.  I cringe a little at this suggestion that I "go bonkers" over Jeff, but trust that our 23-year-long marriage will survive nicely without the matrimonial advice of Doug Farris.  And I'm quite aware of my need to breathe deeply and relax, which explains, I think, why I haven't smacked him one.(That was a joke, Dale).But when Farris calls Tom Hansen "not a man," implies that Tom would ever be glad a woman might be injured in combat so that, maybe, he wouldn't be, and ends with how proud a mother should be when her kid fights someone, I have to object.  Tom Hansen knows more about courage than most men I know, and I don't think Tom or any other sentient being with a nodding acquaintance of decency, much less a relationship with God, would be proud of their child beating up someone.  Not in sarcasm, because the "someone" is a girl; not in sincerity, because the "someone" was another little future man.  That Farris would offend specifically by calling Tom "not a man" is the worst part of what Farris wrote.  That he would then gild the lilly by adding how mommies are only proud when their boys beat up other boys is just a parting shot guaranteed to leave us with a lingering stench in the air.Farris' exegesis of the Deborah/Barach/Jael passage was lacking, but at least civil.  The rest of his verbal spewing is obnoxious as hell, by which, sadly, almost no one is surprised.keely"And these women that you spit on as they try to change their worlds/Are immune to your consultations . . . they're quite aware of what they're going through"(With apologies to David Bowie)
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