lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
Tue Jul 10 12:02:49 PDT 2007

The bill will be reintroduced in the next session.  I am confidant it will pass this time.
-----Original message-----
From: "Tom Hansen" thansen at moscow.com
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:44:59 -0700
To: "'lfalen'" lfalen at turbonet.com,  vision2020 at moscow.com

> From the Crapo News release" below:
> "This is a great victory in the fight against domestic violence for programs
> here in Idaho and around the nation," said Sue Fellen, Executive Director of
> the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence.  "Thanks to Senator
> Crapo's leadership, Congress is providing more resources to meet the needs
> of victims and their families."
> Question:  Where was this warm, fuzzy, family-oriented support when Idaho
> House Bill 0172 (Address Confidentiality for Victims of Violence) was being
> discussed before it died?
> http://www3.state.id.us/oasis/H0172.html
> Or is this topic simply an excuse for sentimental sound-bites and photo ops?
> Seeya round town, Moscow.
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> "We're a town of about 23,000 with 10,000 college students. The college
> students are not very active in local elections (thank goodness!)."
> - Dale Courtney (March 28, 2007)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
> On Behalf Of lfalen
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:21 AM
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> -----Original message-----
> From: "Crapo News Release (Crapo)" newsclips at crapo.senate.gov
> Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 13:10:52 -0700
> To: 
> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 CONTACT:    Susan Wheeler (202)
> 224-5150
> July 3, 2007                                               Laura
> Thurston Goodroe      (202) 224-7500
> 		Crapo applauds increase in funding for victims of family
> violence
> Idaho Falls, ID - At the start of a week working in Idaho, Idaho Senator
> Mike Crapo reiterated his support of the additional funding included in
> the Senate Fiscal Year 2008 Department of Justice appropriations for
> victims of family and dating violence, including specific funding for
> Native American women who are victims of violence.  
> "I appreciate the efforts in recent months on the part of family
> violence prevention advocates at local, state and national levels, my
> colleague Senator Joe Biden, and members of the Senate Appropriations
> Committee who worked together in recent months to ensure that needed
> funding for intervention, prevention and awareness of family and dating
> violence is preserved and enhanced in this year's Department of Justice
> funding," said Crapo.  "The Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA has
> helped countless victims of domestic and relationship violence for well
> over ten years.  I'm pleased to be able to advocate here in Congress for
> the good work that our advocates do across Idaho and across the nation
> to help innocent adult and children victimized by family members and
> dating partners.  Thanks to their work, our communities are more aware
> of the crime of family violence, and prevention efforts are opening
> doors to healthier interpersonal relationships and behavior."
> Crapo added, "The particular tragic plight of Indian women has received
> national attention in recent years.  VAWA contains targeted funding for
> these women who experience the highest rates of domestic and partner
> violence of any population group.  I applaud the daily efforts of those
> who help all Idaho victims of violence and I commend their tireless work
> making strong and successful stands against family violence in Idaho."
> "This is a great victory in the fight against domestic violence for
> programs here in Idaho and around the nation," said Sue Fellen,
> Executive Director of the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic
> Violence.  "Thanks to Senator Crapo's leadership, Congress is providing
> more resources to meet the needs of victims and their families."
> The Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) in the U.S. Department of
> Justice administers VAWA funding.  In the Senate bill, which will be
> resolved in conference with the House bill after the 4th of July state
> work period, OVW received $19.9 million more than the Administration
> requested bringing the total to $390 million.  The Senate also rejected
> a proposal by the Administration to combine all VAWA grants into a
> competitive consolidated grant.  This proposal was criticized by Idaho
> victims' advocates as well as national victims' advocacy organizations.
> Crapo is credited as a leader in keeping funds intact. 
> To directly link to this news release, please use the following address:
> http://crapo.senate.gov/media/newsreleases/release_full.cfm?id=278300
> 				# # #
> FOR INTERESTED MEDIA: A radio actuality is available by calling
> 1-800-545-1267.  Press 327 at any time during or after the greeting and
> instructions.  You can also access the actuality through the Internet at
> http://src.senate.gov/radio/.
> ........................................................................
> ...............
> This is generated from an unattended mailbox.  If you have constituent
> comments or information you would like forwarded to Senator Crapo,
> please do so at the Senator's website, http://crapo.senate.gov.
> Comments sent to this e-mail address will not be responded to.

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