[Vision2020] DoDEA to Discontinue Remote Hme School Program

heirdoug at netscape.net heirdoug at netscape.net
Wed Jan 24 14:30:51 PST 2007


Did you even read the article? It was remote located service men and 
women who would be effected, not people here in Moscow.

But it's what you say at the bottom that really caught my eye.....

"No education - no job...that simple."

Are you advocating "no land - no vote"?

How little and trite you have become!

lemeno, Doug!

J. FORD privatejf32 at hotmail.com


We have an excellent system here in Moscow...if the parent chooses not 
take advantage of that or of one of the private schools here...it is up 
them to educate, up to standards that would allow their child to enter
college, voc school or the military, or be prepared to have that kid in
their home the rest of their (parent's) lives. No education - no 

J :]
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