[Vision2020] Gore's Electricity Use Criticized

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 10:27:02 PST 2007

> "Many people don't realize that I also live a fat-neutral lifestyle,"
> Mr. Gore said. "While the inconvenient truth is that I've gained a few
> pounds since I beat George Bush at the polls in 2000, I also makes
> large investments in companies that produce bran, sprouts and legumes,
> thereby reducing my "real feel" weight to around 175."

Okay, while I am actually a fan of Mr. Gore (though not of his wife,
Tipper), I found this quite funny.  It sounded real until the last
paragraph, and I love the delayed punchline.  I'll have to look up Ott
and see if he is always this funny.

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