[Vision2020] Will the People of Moscow -- and the City--Listen? Sidewalks m

Sue Hovey suehovey at moscow.com
Sun Feb 25 23:54:07 PST 2007

I don't have sidewalks, so when we leave the cold weather we don't have that 
as an issue.  Sidewalks need to be shoveled.  No problem there, except I get 
concerned for elderly or disabled folks who don't have the stamina to do it. 
Is there a group they can call for help?  I remember Jane Fallon's 6th grade 
class at Russell used to keep a neighbor's sidewalks shoveled, they even 
made a schedule for Winter Break.

Sue Hovey
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sunil Ramalingam" <sunilramalingam at hotmail.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Cc: <bstout at ci.moscow.id.us>; <aaronament at moscow.com>; 
<blambert at ci.moscow.id.us>; <nchaney at ci.moscow.id.us>; <sears at moscow.com>; 
<lblackburn at turbonet.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Will the People of Moscow -- and the City--Listen? 
Sidewalks m

> Linda,
> As a defense attorney, it usually goes against my nature to encourage
> enforcement or prosecution, but I would like to see some attention given 
> to
> this issue by the Moscow Police Department.
> If half the attention were given to this as is to prosecuting minors in
> possession or consuming alcohol, our sidewalks would be far safer.  I 
> think
> icy sidewalks pose a regular hazard to Moscow's residents and visitors.  I
> certainly commend you for your attention to your own sidewalks, something
> I've often seen and appreciated on my fall and winter strolls to the 
> Corner
> Club to watch Steeler games...
> And we wouldn't necessarily have to prosecute folks; I think most people
> would respond to warnings about their sidewalks.
> Sunil
>>From: "Linda Pall" <lpall at moscow.com>
>>To: "Saundra Lund" <sslund at roadrunner.com>,        "'vision2020'"
>><vision2020 at moscow.com>
>>CC: bstout at ci.moscow.id.us, aaronament at moscow.com,
>>blambert at ci.moscow.id.us,        nchaney at ci.moscow.id.us, 
>>sears at moscow.com,
>>        "'Lois Blackburn'" <lblackburn at turbonet.com>
>>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Will the People of Moscow -- and the City
>>--Listen? Sidewalks must be kept clear
>>Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:58:40 -0800
>>Dear Saundra and Visionaries,
>>Since the letter Lois wrote to me arrived at my e-mail in-box at 10:03
>>I was in my office Friday morning and replied at 11:40 A.M..  I'm sure the
>>editorial page of the Friday Daily News had probably been put to bed the
>>before. I think the agendas showing this as a topic of consideration for
>>Monday's 4:30 P.M. Public Works/Finance Committee meeting came out around
>>4:30 P.M. Friday afternoon. (I will be in Missoula on business Monday but
>>John Weber will chair the meeting and you and everyone are welcome to be
>>part of this discussion!) I go into all of this to try to illustrate that
>>one city council member is looking to welcome citizen comment on this
>>matter and believes that we are talking about it improving the system.
>>The basic reality is that, outside of serious criminal laws, most of our
>>local and state laws are enforced on a complaint-basis. And even some of
>>those criminal laws on the books are not the subject of regular 
>>actions by the contabulary. Lewd cohabitation (living with someone without
>>benefit of clergy) used to be on the statute books in Idaho and perhaps
>>still is, though I could not find it is a quick search of the Moroccan
>>volumes in my office. I do not recall any Latah County prosecutor in my 34
>>years of life in Idaho prosecuting someone under that statute...
>>Saundra, see my response to Lois below and try to come to the PWF 
>>meeting Monday afternoon or tune in on cable if you have it. The Mayor and
>>Council are concerned about this and realize how dangerous sidewalks can
>>cause terrible consequences for anyone but especially for those already
>>infirmaties. I am a prime example of one who is concerned about this, "up
>>close and personal!" I try to have my walks maintained during the winter
>>deeply appreciate those who do.
>>We are all REALLY trying to do the right thing by the citizens of 
>>All the best to you, Saundra, and to the collected Visionaries,
>>Linda Pall
>>Moscow City Council
>>(10:03 AM, 2/23/07):
>>Dear Lois (I'm going informal no matter what here...),
>>Thanks for your e-mail. Please be advised that I have asked that the
>>discussion of enforcement of our existing city ordinances and other 
>>and council ideas regrading this truly important matter be on the Public
>>Works/Finance Agenda on the Monday, February 26, meeting at 4:30 P.M. in
>>COuncil Chambers. Kit Craine has developed a proposal that is more
>>than the city's current enforcement stance which relies primarily on
>>citizen-initiated complaints.
>>We should certainly address the question of winter access to our streets
>>sidewalks for people with disabilities as well as those without.
>>We welcome your comments and proposals for discussion Monday (and by 
>>or any other means you would like to involve us!). As you are aware, there
>>is a lot of competition for city funds and our efforts often have to
>>various interests. I hope to see a balanced, affordable approach proposed.
>>I am unable to attend Monday's meeting (and the one on March 12) because 
>>business commitments out of town.
>>I think you will find Kit's proposal very dehlpful to the discussion.
>>for ewriting.
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