[Vision2020] The Qur'an and the Bible

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Fri Feb 23 21:24:51 PST 2007

Pat, the Bible is so full of contradictions that you don't have to  
"interpret" it in order to differ from other Christians. That is why  
there are so many different varieties of Xianity.

I understand the official Qur'an was carefully edited later so  
Muslims wouldn't have the same sort of problems with their holy book.  
They learned from the Xian example.

Booksellers and librarians have known for many years that the most  
stolen book of all is the Holy Bible. In recent years the second most  
stolen book is the Holy Qur'an. Go into the local Xian bookstore and  
you'll see all the Bibles kept safe behind the counter. You can't  
trust some Xians. And apparently you can't trust some Muslims either.

(X is the Greek letter Chi, the initial letter of the title Christos.  
So Xian is a scholarly abbreviation of Christian and Xmas is an  
abbreviation of Christmas. Oh, and Bible is a proper noun when it  
refers to a Jewish or Xian Bible. So remember to spell it with a  
capital "B.")


Pat Kraut
Over the weekend I heard someone say the same thing on Cspan and I have
heard and read it from others so I think it is true. As with many  
others I
have studied more about Islam since 9/11 than I ever expected I would. I
have learned a lot and think that maybe I understand more and have  
lot to
learn yet but I am more knowledgeable than I was before. I listened  
to many
programs on Cspan and have found them imformative but I sure have many
questions. Being a Christian I am well aware of how someone/groups  
can take
the bible and develop their own interpretaion so I am cautions about  
doing it to the Koran. I am also very aware of how different sects  
things to suit themselves so I am working slow.  I am aware that  
books about
Islam and the Middle East are selling more so than ever so I know I  
am not
the only one doing a study.

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