[Vision2020] The 'Value' of Public Schooling
heirdoug at netscape.net
heirdoug at netscape.net
Thu Feb 22 10:43:58 PST 2007
The 'Value' of Public Schooling
by Jacob G. Hornberger
There are two major values of public schooling, from the perspective of
government officials. One, this institution provides the means by which
government officials can slowly but surely, over a period of 12 years,
mold the mindsets of children into one of conformity and obedience to
authority. Second, public schooling enables government officials to
fill children’s minds with officially approved political, historical,
and economic doctrine.
Public schooling is much like the military. What is the first thing
that the military does to new recruits? No, not teach them to fight or
kill. That comes later. First comes boot camp, a seemingly nonsensical
period of time in which soldiers are ordered to drop down for pushups
at the whim of an officer. Soldiers learn to march together in unison,
mastering such movements as right-face and left-face. They’re taught to
respond without hesitation with “Yes, sir” and “No, sir” to an officer
barking questions a few inches away from their face.
Why? Why does the military spend time teaching those things to new
soldiers? After all, none of them comes in very handy once the actual
fighting begins.
The reason is very simple: to mold each person’s mindset into one of
strict conformity and obedience. That is, higher-ups in the military
know that if they can compel a person to do something as ridiculous and
nonsensical as a right-face and a left-face, then there is a greater
likelihood that that person will obey other orders without question.
Or if a person can be taught to obey orders to march in unison within a
group of people, all of whom are wearing the same uniform, there is a
strong likelihood that such a person will lose his sense of
individuality and instead simply consider himself part of the
That is the real value of military boot camp – it very quickly
eliminates all notions of individuality within the human being and
makes him feel that conformity and obedience are the only acceptable
states of mind.
In principle, the public-schooling system is no different, although
government officials have a much longer period of time – 12 years – in
which to accomplish the same task – produce mindsets of conformity and
That’s not only what compulsory-attendance laws are all about but also
the manner in which public schools are operated.
Compulsory-attendance laws are, in principle, no different from the
compulsory draft that the military employs.
In the draft system, the government sends a notice to a citizen
commanding him to appear at a military installation for compulsory
service in the military. If the citizen refuses, he faces criminal
indictment, prosecution, conviction, imprisonment, and fine.
In the public-school system, families are required to submit their
children to a state-approved education. While this encompasses
attendance at state-approved private schools and homeschooling, for
most families compulsory-attendance laws mean sending their children
into public schools in their neighborhood for education. Those families
who refuse to submit their children to a state-approved education face
the same things that draft resisters face: criminal indictment,
prosecution, conviction, imprisonment, and fine.
Equally important, the operation of public schools tends to produce the
same type of mindset that the military produces – one of conformity and
obedience to state authority. Just as in the military, the student is
taught to conform to what some people would ordinarily consider
nonsensical rules and regulations that bear no relationship to a
genuine love of learning.
For example, consider the rigid class schedules that are imposed in
public schools. All students are required to attend a daily series of
50-minute classes addressing several different subjects. When the bell
rings at the end of one class, the student is expected to immediately
proceed to the next class. If he fails to arrive on time, he is
punished. Never mind that he might not be interested in the subject
matter of the next class or that he might want to stay and talk with
other students or the teacher about a subject that he is genuinely
interested in. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that he respond to
the bells and obey.
That rigidity, conformity, and obedience may be perfectly suitable for
some types of people, just as the military way of life is perfectly
suitable for some types of people. The problem, however, is that not
everyone is suited to that way of life. For those who are more
individualistic, more free-spirited, the public-school experience
becomes a long, 12-year battle in which the military-like school system
tends toward grinding away at the natural sense of individualism and
independence that characterize those students, a process that such
students naturally resist.
For example, suppose a student says to his public-school
administrators, “I absolutely love playing the piano. I am totally
uninterested in math, chemistry, and a foreign language. Therefore, I
have made the decision to stay in music class six hours every day for
the next three months and take no other classes.”
How would the public-school administrator respond? He would laugh out
loud at such an audacious statement. He would firmly tell the student
to follow the class schedule that the school has provided him . . . or
else. In earlier years, the student would have even faced a paddling
with a “board of education” if he insisted on skipping regularly
scheduled, mandatory classes to play the piano.
One might respond that the student has the choice of dropping out of
public school and receiving his state-approved education from a private
school or through homeschooling. The problem, however, is that most
private schools have the same rigid-type curriculum system that public
schools have. After all, private schools must be approved by the state
in order to meet the standard of a “state-approved” education.
Moreover, many parents simply lack the competence or time to
Under a free-market educational system, however, each family would be
free to fashion the education that would fit each child in the family.
If a child said, “I want to do nothing but play the piano for the next
six months and study nothing else,” that would be up to the family, not
the state. And before someone says, “It would be irresponsible for a
family to educate the child in that way,” reflect on the fact that many
students travel abroad each summer to study nothing but a foreign
language and that they study that language for several hours every
single day for several weeks at a time. No math or science classes.
Just the foreign language.
The point is that in the compulsory state system, the military-like way
of learning is imposed on everyone, even those who are not suited for
that way of life. The result is an endless battle in which
individualistic students come to hate school and learning in general.
In a noncoerced educational system – that is, one in which the state is
not involved in any way – the family controls the educational
environment of its children. Thus, if a child says, “I think I’ll just
go fishing today and reflect on the ideas and philosophies I’ve been
studying,” the parents are free to say, “That sounds like an exciting
idea.” If the student tries that in the state system, he will be told,
“Try it and you’ll find yourself in detention for the next three
What happens to those public-school students who rebel against the
military-like regimentation that characterizes public schools?
Government administrators make them feel like something is wrong with
them. Even worse, they convince their parents that something is wrong
with them. The students are sent to school psychiatrists who diagnose
mental disorders such as “attention deficit disorder.”
Think about how a new military recruit who announced “I’m going fishing
today instead of learning how to march” would be treated. Would not
everyone in his unit think he was crazy? That’s the same way school
administrators would feel about the student who said the same thing.
He’d be considered crazy – or at least distracted. Of course, in the
mind of the state official, the malady is nothing that drugs, such as
Ritalin, can’t cure. Given the right dosage of drugs, over time the
mind of the recalcitrant, independent-minded student will be molded in
the “proper” way, especially over the 12 long years that the state has
control over him.
Indoctrination and textbooks
The other value of public schooling, from the standpoint of the state,
is the ability of government officials to fill the minds of children
with important, officially approved ideas, philosophies, and
standpoints, especially with respect to politics, history, government,
and economics.
After all, what textbooks are used in public schools? Those textbooks
that have been carefully chosen by state officials. If a proposed
textbook contains objectionable material or omits important officially
approved material, what chance does it have to become the official
textbook used in public schools across the state? Answer: No chance at
By the very nature of government schooling, the matter of what goes
into school textbooks must necessarily be a political matter, to be
decided by those in political power. And since the choice of textbooks
customarily applies to public schools across the state, all children
receive the same government-approved information.
Moreover, there is virtually no choice for the parents who cannot
afford to send their children to private school or who are unable or
unwilling to home-school. They must send their children to the public
school in their neighborhood. That is, there is not a multitude of
public schools from which to choose. And even if there were, they would
most likely all be using the same textbooks.
Why is the textbook important? Because the teacher is expected to base
his teaching on it. Sure, a teacher has some leeway to be flexible but
imagine what would happen to a public-school teacher who announced to
his classes, “What is written in these textbooks is claptrap, lies, and
deceptions. I’m going to be teaching you the truth about the nature of
the government, government schooling, free markets, individualism, and
What would happen to that teacher? He would slowly (or perhaps quickly)
be grinded down, to the point where he either got pushed out of the
public-school system or be made to conform.
Here’s what would happen: A student would return home and report to his
parents what the teacher was saying. A major political crisis would
quickly erupt. His parents would call a member of the school board,
which consists of elected officials, and complain. The school board,
scared of the political consequences, would contact the principal, who
would have a talk with the teacher. If the teacher refused to back
down, the school board would call a public meeting, where the teacher
would be given the opportunity to state his case to the board – and to
the voters. Given the nature of politics, voter sentiment would play an
important role in the school board’s ultimate decision.
Since the teacher’s teaching would be contrary to the official
doctrines found in the textbook, he would have a heavy burden to
overcome. Most likely, he would lose. The teacher would be left with a
choice: stand fast and lose his job or give in and teach the
information contained in the textbook.
Libertarianism and public schooling
That’s why it is extremely unlikely that one would ever find
libertarianism taught as a philosophy in any public school. For one
thing, libertarian principles would contradict most of the claptrap
found in government textbooks. Do you have doubts? Well, imagine a
public-school teacher openly announcing at the beginning of the
semester that he would be teaching the following things in his
government class:
1. The drug war is an immoral sham that has accomplished nothing
more than enriching government officials and drug dealers. Drugs should
be decriminalized.
2. Public schooling is nothing more than a system of socialism
applied to education. It should be abolished, leaving education to the
free market.
3. Abraham Lincoln waged war on the Confederacy for the purpose not
of freeing the slaves but of preserving the Union.
4. U.S. intervention in World War I constituted a horrible waste of
American life. It did not accomplish its purported goal of making the
world safe for democracy and ending all future wars and actually
contributed to the rise of N. Lenin and Adolf Hitler.
5. The federal government, not free enterprise, caused the 1929
stock-market crash and the Great Depression.
6. Franklin Roosevelt intentionally lied to the American people when
he said that he was doing his best to keep America out of World War II.
7. U.S. officials during World War II intentionally delivered East
Germany and Eastern Europe into the clutches of the Soviet communists.
8. Lyndon Johnson won his 1948 U.S. Senate race by stuffing the
ballot box with fake ballots and later, as president, he intentionally
lied about the supposed attack on U.S. forces in the Gulf of Tonkin.
9. The U.S. government’s interventionist foreign policy in the
Middle East gave rise to the 9/11 attacks.
10. Given that Iraq never attacked the United States, President
Bush’s war on Iraq constitutes a “war of aggression,” a type of war
that was punished as a war crime by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal.
11. Minimum-wage laws hurt the poor and should be repealed.
12. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are immoral, socialist
programs that should be abolished immediately, along with the taxes
that fund them.
What do you think would happen to that teacher?
Public schooling and Cuba
I’m not suggesting, of course, that there are no libertarians teaching
in the public schools. In fact, there are and they do a great job
introducing libertarian principles to students. But they must be very
careful about how they present their arguments. Usually they learn to
carefully couch them in terms of improving the system.
In fact, that’s also how things work in Cuba, where public schooling is
one of Fidel Castro’s proudest accomplishments (along with
government-provided health care). It’s illegal for any public-school
teacher in Cuba to challenge the Cuban system. But as long as arguments
are couched in terms of “improving the Revolution,” teachers have some
degree of flexibility.
As a matter of fact, a comparison of public schooling in Cuba and the
United States will help to drive home the points I am making in this
article. The systems in both countries are based on the same
principles. Government officials are in charge of educating the
children in the nation. Government-approved textbooks that contain
government-approved doctrine are used. Government employees teach the
students. The curriculum is set by the government.
So is there any difference? Yes, both in the mindsets that are produced
and in the materials taught, which is why maintaining control over
education is so important, both to U.S. officials and to Cuban
For example, most Cubans know that public schooling and
government-provided health care constitute socialism, and they are very
proud of their educational and healthcare systems. They would not want
to see them abolished.
On the other hand, most Americans honestly believe that public
schooling and Medicare and Medicaid constitute “free enterprise,” and
they are very proud of their educational and health-care systems. They
too would not want to see them abolished.
The mindsets in both countries reflect the value of doctrines taught by
government officials during the 12-year period when government
officials had control over children.
Do you recall the big battle of Elián, the young boy whose mother died
while trying to escape Cuba and make it to the United States? Everyone
knew that whichever government school got ahold of him – and maintained
a hold over him for 12 years – would ultimately win out in terms of his
Today, Elián praises Fidel Castro and the Cuban system. No doubt he
thinks he’s free, especially given that the Cuban system involves free
education and free health care. If he had remained in America’s public
schools, he would very likely have felt differently about matters in
Cuba but would have been nevertheless praising public schooling, Social
Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in the United States.
That’s the power of public schooling.
Several years ago, I visited Cuba and was walking through a museum that
detailed all the attempts that the CIA had made to assassinate Castro
and effect “regime change” in Cuba, including the invasion at the Bay
of Pigs. I saw a class of primary-school students and their teacher
taking a field trip through the museum.
To no one’s surprise, the teacher was filling the students’ minds with
the Cuban government’s officially approved doctrine. But it would not
have been any different in principle if a class of public-school
students from Miami had been taking a field trip through a CIA museum
in the United States. The Cuban students would be taught that the U.S.
government wrongfully interferes in the affairs of other countries,
even making use of assassination. American students would be taught
that their government spreads freedom and democracy around the globe
and would probably not be told that their government uses assassination
as one of its policy tools.
One amusing aspect of the comparison between the Cuban and U.S.
educational systems appeared recently. A controversy arose in Miami
because the library of some public school carried a book that praised
public schooling in Cuba. There was an outcry because it’s considered
improper and unpatriotic to say good things about Castro or his system
in American public schools.
A Cuban woman who had served in the Cuban public-school system and who
was now living in Miami said that the whole controversy confirmed the
advantages of democracy over tyranny. She explained that at least in
the U.S. educational system, there are discussions and debates among
government bureaucrats over what books should be permitted in public
schools, while in Cuba, only one official – Fidel Castro – makes that
The woman obviously is convinced that public schooling in the United
States is “freedom” because education in this country is centrally
planned by government bureaucracies, while in Cuba, education is
“tyranny” because it is centrally planned by only one government
Government schooling has proven invaluable to government officials all
over the world, especially since the mindset of conformity and
obedience that is produced lasts long into adulthood. As in the
military, such a mindset has historically been the best friend of
government officials. The good news is that the malady is not
incurable, as so many libertarians who are products of public
schooling, including myself, can attest.
February 22, 2007
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