[Vision2020] Wilsonista Strike again

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 18:48:36 PST 2007

On 2/9/07, Pat Kraut <pkraut at moscow.com> wrote:
> I don't know for sure why I am doing this...getting involved in a discussion
> with someone so focused on an individual that they do not see anything else
> but I am. I am relying on the history I learned in high school history
> classes because I have never been in a class of any sort with Mr. Wilson.
> Now I am old so I didn't learn then in classes nor from my parents any sort
> of revisionist history about the dropping of the bombs or anything else that
> some like to spout now. I am talking about 1937-38 when the Nazis marched in
> and took away the rights of the Jews...just for being Jews. Next they took
> the gypsies and then the handicapped and so on and so on until there was no
> one left to protect the innocent. So, if you and others get your way we boot
> step in and remove CC and do not leave the followers to their rights of
> belief. As I have said before...no one is walking around town with a gun
> saying we MUST go to CC. However, on this site you and others are doing all
> you can to make sure no one and I mean NO ONE can go to CC and have peace.
> The one and only person raving at me is YOU. I have only sort of met Mr.
> Wilson I bet he couldn't pick me out of any crowd but it seems that to you a
> person cannot have a thought other than yours without someone forcing it
> into their head. The only place I see any of his teachings is from you and
> others on this list who now have a personal ax to grind so much so that you
> are unbelievable. Mr. Wilson is not responsible to me for what he teaches
> and if the followers of his church do not see a problem that makes them want
> to leave it is not any of my business. I know some who are involved with CC
> and they are intelligent capable people. I have only heard from you when my
> beliefs do not fall into your line of hate and then the venom is deep and
> mean. With this said I don't think I have anything to add but I guess we'll
> see what evolves.

Pat --

At what point has anyone here recommended taking away the rights of
anyone belonging to Christ Church? Please cite.

Accusations of fascism are, by the way, rich, coming from the woman
who recommended arresting, trying, and executing critics of the Bush
Administration and opposition political candidates.

-- ACS

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