[Vision2020] Question For The Mouth Piece

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 1 14:08:03 PST 2007

Thank you Kerry.

We're all going to disagree here, and that's fine, that's what argument is.  
But personal business is just that, personal business, whether it's Doug's 
or J's.

If one of them chooses to publicize their OWN personal business here, then I 
suppose people can comment.  But no one should drag it in here to embarrass 
someone else.


>From: "kerry becker" <kerrybecker6924 at hotmail.com>
>To: heirdoug at aim.com, vision2020 at moscow.com, privatejf32 at hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Question For The Mouth Piece
>Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:52:37 -0800
>Doug - You don't have to share your actual email with anyone, it's nobody's 
>business.  As for J Ford, she is obviously being used as a tool by 
>ex-members of your church.
>And if you want to get your point across, I wouldn't stoop to the same 
>level and mention her personal life.  Two wrongs don't make a right.  Let's 
>get back to basics folks.

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