[Vision2020] Craig's official statement

Chuck Kovis ckovis at turbonet.com
Wed Aug 29 12:02:59 PDT 2007

Mr. Falen,

Who is making excuses for Clinton? If Larry Craig ran again in this state - 
he would be re-elected.   Don't believe me -- have him run again!!  Then we 
can show the nation what this state is really made of:  Bill Sali - Helen 
Chenoweth, etc.   Hell, the local debate among you Republicans is whether 
dog-fighting should be made a felony!  What the hell?  Fix our roads, get 
some money to the University of Idaho like the "big bad liberal Democratic 
Washington legislature" gave to WSU)   Quit whining.  You guys don't know 
how to govern from the top all the way to the bottom.

 Chuck Kovis 

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