[Vision2020] Craig's official statement
Tom Ivie
the_ivies3 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 12:34:36 PDT 2007
From the Larry Craig files, circa 1991...
Here he is, speaking during floor debate over Clarence Thomas in October of that year, expounding on his concern about sexual harassment as a national problem, while nonetheless supporting Thomas anyway:
Mr. President, like many Americans, I and my colleagues have spent a tremendous number of hours over the course of the last week and through this past weekend monitoring our Judiciary Committee's proceedings, reviewing the evidence, and trying to decide how to vote on the confirmation of Judge Thomas. But something else fundamentally important has happened in this country -- the beginning of a necessary and important debate about sexual harassment, the protection of employees, policies, and if they exist or not and how this nation should handle them.
Now, I would have to tell you that I did not, until this morning, have a sexual harassment policy in my office here or in my offices in Idaho. That is now being corrected today, and in the course of the last four days, there has been a rising of national consciousness of tremendous significance. We have learned that sexual harassment is real, that it comes in a variety of forms, and that it's happened to thousands of Americans, men and women alike.
I hope we have learned a few other things, Mr. President. I hope the American people have learned that this is, indeed, a serious matter -- serious enough to stop the United States Senate dead in its tracks, to reverse and to begin to hear again charges and to examine those who charged and those who are accused. We did that. And for hours that occurred, Mr. Chairman.
Today we have an accuser who has tried to make a case against Judge Clarence Thomas. I am one of those who believe she failed. I simply do not believe that Anita Hill proved her case against Clarence Thomas, and in this system, although it is not a court of law, our American sense of fairness requires that the accuser has the burden of proving his or her accusations.
This process has not revealed any new reason for me to vote differently than I had said earlier and publicly I would vote. And today I stand saying that I will support the nomination of Clarence Thomas to become an associate justice of the US Supreme Court.
Again, not directly at odds with lewd conduct in a men's room, but...
Tom Hansen <idahotom at hotmail.com> wrote: P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } A copy of the Minneapolis Police Department Report concerning Senator Larry Craig.
More and more to come . . .
Sidebar to Sue Hovey: Thanks.
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
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