[Vision2020] Baudrillard: The Childishness of Adults

Warren Hayman whayman at roadrunner.com
Tue Aug 21 15:32:12 PDT 2007

Hello All,

Can we simplify all this with a question?

If Schwaller does not exist and refuses elaboration of identity, then the poster(s) of these missives practice(s) coyness, dishonesty, disingenuity, and jerkdom.

If Schwaller does exist and refuses elaboration of identity, then he or she practices coyness, dishonesty, disingenuity, and jerkdom.

Why in the world bother with either response or concern to all this?

Warren Hayman

If multiple copies of this occur, blame me and Time-Warner!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ted Moffett 
  To: Vision 2020 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 2:57 PM
  Subject: [Vision2020] Baudrillard: The Childishness of Adults


  Pardon my indulgence in posting about a writer/thinker many will find of no interest.  But given that all of my "adult" life I have been astonished by the fact that the behavior of adults in positions of power in the world appears to exhibit some of the most dangerous and destructive examples of "childishness," the following quote from Baudrillard, from "Simulacra and Simulations," hit home.  Again, this strikes me as brilliant socio-psychoanalysis: 


  The Disneyland imaginary is neither true nor false: it is a deterrence machine set up in order to rejuvenate in reverse the fiction of the real. Whence the debility, the infantile degeneration of this imaginary. It's meant to be an infantile world, in order to make us believe that the adults are elsewhere, in the "real" world, and to conceal the fact that real childishness is everywhere, particularly among those adults who go there to act the child in order to foster illusions of their real childishness. 

  Ted Moffett


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