[Vision2020] Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants Working

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 12 21:25:56 PDT 2007

Paul writes:
  "If working here is such a horrible thing, then why are they risking 
their lives crossing the desert while dodging helicopter patrols to do so?"
  Do you honestly think that the working conditions of illegal immigrants are good simply because they are willing to take risks to come into the country? If so, you are ignorant as to the well documented ill conditions some of these workers must endure. 
  An influx of illegal immigrants increases the US unskilled workforce. An increase of unskilled workforce drives wages for unskilled workers down. I think illegal immigration severely hurts the legal low income workforce when they have to compete with 30 million undocumented workers willing to work for wages that feed their families in their home countries but are well below the income level of a US citizen to raise a family in the US. 
  I would like to see a decrease in the number of unskilled workers in this country so an unskilled US citizen can once again demand a decent wage so they can work only 40 hours a week and feed their family. 

Paul Rumelhart <godshatter at yahoo.com> wrote:
  If working here is such a horrible thing, then why are they risking 
their lives crossing the desert while dodging helicopter patrols to do so?

Anyway, although we're going about it in typical ham-handed fashion, I'm 
glad the numbers of illegal immigrants are declining. I'd rather see a 
corresponding increase in the numbers of legal immigrants to go along 
with it, though.


Donovan Arnold wrote:
> It appears as though efforts to decrease the number of illegal 
> immigrants is starting to take effect. The numbers show there are less 
> crossing. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we got rid of this modern form 
> of slavery altogether?
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070811/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/mexico_migration_drop
> Best,
> Donovan
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