[Vision2020] Idaho budget surplus

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Aug 9 05:46:45 PDT 2007

Arnold -


If you are so discontent with our current city council, why don't you
announce your candidacy and run for a seat on the council yourself?


Or do you simply like to see your name in print on the Viz?

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"I think if you are going to attack someone in public, you need to at least
be willing to meet with them in public in a debate or discussion format,
otherwise you will rightfully earn the term of a yellow-belly."

- Donovan Arnold (October 4, 2006) 


From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Donovan Arnold
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 9:44 PM
To: Steven Basoa
Cc: Vision2020 2020 Vision
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Idaho budget surplus




Linda Pall has done a lot posititive things for this community. But I do
believe she said she would not run again and part of the reason I supported
her political resurection. She also said she would bring up and support
passing city legislation to end discrimination against gays and lesbians in
the community and in city jobs. She has not held up to that commitment. 


I don't see Aaron Ament doing any good for the community. 


I think Dan runs just to see his name in print. 





Steven Basoa <sbasoa at moscow.com> wrote:

Donovan, there are other ways to look at it.  I commend them for being
willing to take the time and energy to serve a public need: that of keeping
the city running smoothly, efficiently and growing in a positive way.
Whether you agree with their platforms or their accomplishments is another
story.  The fact is, they are willing to make the intensive commitment to do
a relatively thankless job.  My hat's off to them.  I know I wouldn't want
to do it. 





If you don't like the candidates, you should find someone else to run.  I
know you are familiar with campaigning

On Aug 8, 2007, at 7:40 PM, Donovan Arnold wrote:


Well perpetual candidate Dan, you did suggest that we should give the money
to highways first and disabled children last. : )


I don't think you hate disabled children Dan. I just don't think you want
them living next door to your property, lowering its value and being noisy
and all that stuff disabled kids do to the poor home owners in the area. I
don't need to convince anyone of my opinion, they can just look at the
minutes for city council meeting and let them draw their own conclusions. 


It looks like Linda Pall and Aaron Ament are right behind you in declaring
their candidacy for City Council. This will be neat having three people all
running for the city council for the third time together, doncha think?!
Nothing like having the same old faces running again and again for the same
office again and again. I think they are going to make templates for city
council elections with these three names on them permanently engraved. 






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