[Vision2020] NSA Enrollment is up

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 13:33:05 PDT 2006

 With 23% more students students to watch and keep  track of I wonder if she will have as much time to post on Vision 2020.  She better make another trip to Wal-Mart too and get some more film. 

David Williams <davidwilliams365 at hotmail.com> wrote:  LOL!!!!  Ahhhh, Jackie.  You really make me laugh.  The comic relief you 
provide really gets me through the day.  And for that I'm am grateful.  The 
time you spend digging this stuff up, just so you can speculate about the 
doings of NSA...  Oh, its too rich.  Tell me, do you already know of the 
latest NSA faculty change, or can I be the one to fill you in.  If you don't 
know already, well...  I believe  you're investigative *ahem* qualities are 
beginning to fail you.  One can only hope.

>From: "J Ford" 

>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] NSA Enrollment is up
>Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:43:18 -0700
>According the the NSA site:
>"The College enrolled 150 full-time equivalent (158 headcount) students 
>this fall, an increase of 23 percent over last year's enrollment of 122 
>full-time equivalent (129 headcount). Lower attrition and a full freshman 
>class pushed enrollment to a record high for the College.
>New Saint Andrews also experienced its largest enrollment of international 
>students this fall, with 12 students (or 7 percent of the student body) 
>coming from five nations: Canada, England, France, Ivory Coast, and Iraq. 
>The College's student body is made up of 46 percent men and 54 percent 
>women. "
>According to their "college newspaper" last year's figures were:
>"Student Body 2005-2006
>Men (54%) and women (46%) from 32
>states, two Canadian provinces, France,
>and Korea, and 20+ denominations
>Interesting how the male/female numbers did an EXACT switch.
>Also interesting is how they are getting closer to that 200 FTE number that 
>the Council put on them.  Will they stay at that number or go beyond, 
>justifying it by putting classes in other buildings with a claim of "You 
>never said we could not have classes here or that our enrollment cap 
>included those in any other buildings."?
>J  :]
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