[Vision2020] The Auntie Establishment and Brother Carl Show (September 10, 2006)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Sep 10 16:37:23 PDT 2006

Greetings Visionaires -

The show returned this week with a full roster of both Auntie and Bro C
wasting no time hitting Moscow's airwaves recognizing the show's several
global listeners from New Zealand to Europe to Southern Asia, up and down
the US east coast and back to Vandalville.  Auntie and Bro C also paid
tribute to victims of the terrorist attack of 9/11, ABC's slanted docudrama
"The Path to 9/11", Debi Robinson-Smith's announcement that columnist
Leonard Pitts will be a scheduled speaker at WSU's Martin Luther King  Day
next year, and a wide variety of other national and local topics.  In
addition to these topics, this week's show was generously seasoned with
humor (by Bill Cosby and others), political satire (by Maureen Dowd and
others) and music.

Again, a special thanks to Auntie for her continued tributes to those
service members who gave their final full measure in support of US combat
operations being conducted in the Iraqi civil war.

In case you were unable to tune in to today's show, you may download and
listen to it from:


This week's song dedication goes out to the 2,948 confirmed victims, ranging
in age from 2 to 85 years old, representing 84 countries, and the 3,251
children who lost parents as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center (by American Airlines Flight 11) and the
Pentagon (by American Airlines flight 77), as well as the ill-fated
highjacking of American Airlines Flight 93.

The Victims:

In memory of those 2,948 victims, perhaps all 3,251 children can find
assurance and comfort, each knowing that . . .

"Someone I Love's an Angel"

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Vandalville, Idaho

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

- Author Unknown

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