[Vision2020] courtney exploits tragedy

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Thu Oct 5 19:05:38 PDT 2006

I had prayed, literally and with tears, that this wouldn't happen, but . . .

Dale Courtney's blog, in reporting yesterday's arrest of a Moscow pastor on 
sex charges, jeeringly asks how much play THIS will get on "Venom 2020," the 
obvious implication being that all of us "Intoleristas" won't condemn the 
alleged behavior of a pastor not affiliated with Christ Church, so vitriolic 
are we in our hatred of the Kirk.

Dear God.

I am so sorry, so sickened, but not at all surprised,  that this professing 
believer would attempt to make the tragedy of the pastor's arrest into an 
"Intoleristas persecuting Christ Church" claim.  Dale, you are a pathetic 
human being.  You embarrass yourself, you shame your Savior, and you cast 
even more of a bad light on your congregation.  I am copying this to Doug 
Wilson, your pastor, in the hope that he will deliver the rebuke you 
deserve.  Any other pastor would be aghast at your callousness, and I hope 
he is.  Your shameless grandstanding and the carelessness with which you 
hurl your peculiar brand of invective reveals you to be a person of hard 
heart, poison tongue, and curiously convoluted mind.  What in hell is wrong 
with you?

I'm heartbroken about Malgren's arrest.  If he's guilty, it's a tragedy.  If 
he's not, it's a tragedy.  Either way, his family is suffering terribly, as 
is his congregation, and if the charges are true, a young woman is and has 
been suffering terribly.  I stated publicly during the Sitler debacle that 
if his confession of faith in Christ Jesus is sincere, he is my brother and 
he has my prayers.  Same with Malgren -- he and his family are in my 
family's prayers, and I've written them a note to offer my condolences and 
support.  That doesn't make me any more or less an Intolerista, an "enemy" 
of Christ Church, or a good person.  That Dale Courtney would be so blinded 
by hate as to use this situation as he has is despicable beyong words, and I 
fear for the state of his vicious, toxic, and withered soul.

May God have mercy.


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