[Vision2020] Guests or Tenants?

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Nov 5 06:17:38 PST 2006

Posted at Dale "Comb-Over" Courtney's Brainless Log (BLog) at right-mind.us


[Quote by Keely Emerine-Mix] "My friend, Young-mi Jin, is an English teacher
in South Korea who got her master's at UI in 2005. She is bringing a group
of Korean students to Moscow in December and January to study and is looking
for homes for the kids (and her) to stay in for that time. She's asked me to
forward her email address [deleted] to all of you, and if you're interested
in hosting for a few weeks, with compensation, please email her."

My, my. I sure hope that keely isn't looking for Venom2020 members to
illegally board those kids. And to be compensated for it. Gasp!

Horrors! Think of it! Offering hospitality and being told that it's illegal.

I'm sure that everyone she recommends will have their conditional use
permits thru the City, approved and paid for - just like every other
international student's host family in Moscow has.

Published Friday, November 03, 2006 4:55 PM by Right-Mind 


# Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Now this is a really funny situation.  I am sure that Not On The Palouse
will immediately cite the proper city rules as to why Keely's request is
A-OK.  What a laugh.  Perhaps these students will rent several of the vacant
apartments here in town instead of boarding with families.  That would help
the booming Moscow economy some wouldn't it?

Friday, November 03, 2006 7:04 PM by Dave


I could go into detail explaining the differences between a "resident's
guest" and a "resident tenant" having had guests at my abode, but then I
would have to re-repost the Moscow City Zoning Code as it pertains to
boarding houses (and the city's definition of "Boarding Houses") and further
explain it in terms understandable to the infants at our local sandbox
(pronounced "Anselm Clubhouse").  That is simply not necessary and what
Comb-Over has posted to his BLog is purely inappropriate.

To put it simply, there is considerable difference between providing
quarters to a friend for a couple weeks and collecting rent from several
tenants for several years as reflected at:


If Comb-Over feels he possesses sufficient quantity of the proper genetalia,
he can file a complaint with the city.  Otherwise, I suggest that he cease
making such inappropriate commentary and restrict such behavior to the
aforementioned sandbox.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho  


"Sins can be committed in ignorance, and the fact that they were committed
in ignorance doesn't cause the sin to just disappear . . . "

- Princess Sushitushi (September 10, 2006)


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