[Vision2020] Not Votng anymore-Waste of Time

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Tue May 16 21:58:58 PDT 2006


What about sports? They get paid a chit load to do the thing they love. Are 
they overpaid? Yes of course they are. However, the point is many people are 
paid obscene amounts of money, only in which the common folk is willing to 
pay/see. So is a superintendent making 200k too much for you, when they are 
leading our youth? In my eyes no.


>From: Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>
>To: joekc at adelphia.net, Bill London <london at moscow.com>
>CC: vision2020 at moscow.com, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Not Votng anymore-Waste of Time
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 21:38:53 -0700 (PDT)
>  The trouble is not so much with finding good candidates,  it is with the 
>election system. The wealthiest school district in  northern Idaho can hire 
>a superintendent for five times the average  household income in the 
>county, but cannot compensate an average person  in Moscow an average wage 
>to offer suggestions to improve the system?
>   Maybe NOT voting will not solve the problem, but it so far has not  
>improved the situation. So maybe I should try not voting for a while in  
>hopes that does.
>   _DJA
>joekc at adelphia.net wrote:The  MCA sponsored a candidate forum featuring all 
>four candidates and I  left feeling that any one of them would do a fine 
>job. They all had  interesting ideas, showed a genuine concern for Moscow 
>and its school  system, and -- most importantly -- were refreshingly frank 
>and honest.  They seemed like interesting and nice folks to boot.
>Whatever  problems the election system has, not voting is not the solution. 
>The  solution is to run yourself or to convince a viable candidate to run,  
>that way our choices are increased. I applaud this year's candidates  one 
>and all for being part of the solution and not part of the problem.
>Joe Campbell
>---- Bill London  wrote:
>Your response is misinformed and way off the mark.
>The election today is a school board election.  The four candidates are 
>competing for two volunteer positions (as in unpaid).
>The  winning candidates will be forced to sit through interminable 
>meetings,  listen to mind-numbing statistics, choose alternatives that 
>nobody  likes, and deal with angry uninformed constituents -- all for the  
>chance to help a school district that really needs direction and  
>My guess is that they are candidates because they care about Moscow's 
>schools and schoolchildren.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Donovan Arnold
>   To: Dan Carscallen ; vision2020 at moscow.com
>   Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:27 PM
>   Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Not Votng anymore-Waste of Time
>   When less than half the population votes, that is the majority not  
>voting. Out of 20,000 people in Moscow, less than 4,000, probably less  
>than 3,000 or even 2,000 will vote in this election tonight.
>  I  bet you a beer, less than 5,000 votes are cast. I will bet you another 
>  beer that the winning candidate does not give a rip, only that they won  
>and will do nothing serious during their term to try and get the  majority 
>to the polls in the next election.
>   _DJA
>   Dan Carscallen  wrote:
>     Donovan says:
>     "I think I speak with the majority when I say I am not going to vote. 
>     least not in elections that offer no choice, it is a waste of my 
>     I guess I'm in the minority, because Donovan doesn't speak for me.
>     planning on wasting my time,
>     DC
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