[Spam] [Vision2020] Why Go After Them?

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Wed May 10 16:14:35 PDT 2006

Earlier this week, I apologized to Ed for having said that the "light" he 
shone forth was, unlike the light of Christ to which he was referring, 
simply garish, obnoxious, and without value (I was much more colorful, but 
there's no need to repeat it).  I had second thoughts and apologized, 
thinking I was judgmental, harsh, and unduly condemning.

Never mind.

Based on his comments below, which are another foaming-at-the-mouth rant 
against homosexuality, I think I was right.  He is all heat, not light, and 
whatever flashes of brilliance he shows are not intellectual in nature but 
simply flashes of momentary ocular interruption.

That Ed finds homosexual behavior sinful is one thing, although I hope he 
would at least appeal to his understanding of the Bible and not to his own 
disgust over what he perceives as icky -- we're in trouble if Ed's standards 
become the norm.  And while I have said before that Christians who hold to a 
conservative reading of Scripture regarding homosexuality are not 
automatically better Christians, more Christlike and mature, than those who 
don't, I will acknowledge that most conservative Christians see the behavior 
condemned in the Bible.  But while there is legitimate dispute over 
prooftexts that appear to be ironclad to some and not so to others, there is 
NO dispute over the entirety of the OT and NT text, which calls for love as 
the highest ideal.  Not heterosexuality, not conservatism, not 
fundamentalism, not even disgust at sin.  And so, on that basis, I can 
readily and unapologetically conclude that Ed is not shining forth the light 
of his Savior, but a cheap and entirely offensive counterfeit that does no 
one any good -- and certainly doesn't glorify God.

More immediately bizarre, of course, is that he considers the polygamy of 
Colorado City to be less evil than even committed, loving homosexual 
relationships.  Remember what Ed apparently can't grasp:  that the Warren 
Jeffs brand of polygamy, and much if not most other examples of quasi-Mormon 
polygamy, are not examples of sexually healthy, free, autonomous and of-age 
women simply being satisfied by one loving, albeit fickle, stud.  These 
"women" are often young teenagers, and none of them has the security of a 
loving community around them; the self-worth and confidence to refuse sexual 
attention or childbearing; the autonomy to turn down "marriages" to men who 
are strangers to them, or, worse, family members; or the economic and social 
viability to escape.  Girls are raped, boys are cast out as "competition" to 
the horny perverts who mask as God's chosen leaders of the home, church, and 
society, and women are consigned to a form of sexual slavery that is no less 
horrific because "God" is invoked in its practice.

Ed should be ashamed that he finds the practice of homosexuality, even 
between two adults who love each other, more repugnant than the above.  On 
the other hand, patriarchy and homophobia are two monuments to an idol 
located south of a man's heart, and protecting that idol evidently involves 
more bigotry than most people can possibly muster.


From: "Ed" <ecooper at turbonet.com>
To: "J Ford" <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>, <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject: Re: [Spam] [Vision2020] Why Go After Them?
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 08:22:16 -0700

Hey J:

Since my name was used derogatorily in your losing exchange with Dale, I 
feel compelled to add my two cents. Although, I'm not a polygamist, I see 
it's fruits (no pun intended) far less damaging than those of the abnormal, 
twisted, despicable perversion of homosexuality...

   ----- Original Message -----
   From: J Ford
   To: vision2020 at moscow.com
   Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 9:12 PM
   Subject: [Spam] [Vision2020] Why Go After Them?

   Dale C:

   Criminal Probe of Church

   The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) is 
   of a number of polygamist sects in and near Utah. Followers believe the
   Mormons went the wrong direction when it abandoned polygamy more than a
   century ago as Utah was seeking statehood.

   Since we're in the middle of redefining "marriage", why go after this 


   ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING???!!!  This group is so abusing its members,
   women/children mostly, and you have to ask why they are being looked into
   and sought after?

   CD Witmer says:

   Why go after this group? Well, apart from the fact that they are
   polygamists, they have the "look and feel" of WASPs and therefore don't 
   protected status. Now if they were promoting multiple-partner HOMOSEXUAL
   marriage, you can bet they would be protected.


   Geez, dude - what world do you live in?  You can't possibly be this sick
   that you believe the crap you spew?!  Don't tell me - you're one of those
   "we whites have to stick together or get lost in the crowd" kinda
   guys....like Mr. Ed?

   Anyone else see a parallel of Colorado City to the Moscow that Dougie-Boy 
   working to create?  He may not be talking multiple marriages at one time
   (yet) but he certainly has the land development , "own(ing of) businesses
   and property," the harassment of former members, etc. and other illegal
   activities part down.  Only a matter of time....if Moscow just closes 
   eyes long enough.

   J  :|

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