[Vision2020] Re: Only the short sighted think Death Penalty Must Be Aboli...

joekc at adelphia.net joekc at adelphia.net
Thu May 4 06:32:55 PDT 2006

Sorry, Tony! ACS is right and you are wrong! You are justifying the killing of innocent people because the overall benefits would be greater, according to your judgment. You are a utilitarian when it comes to the right to life.

Joe Campbell

---- ToeKneeTime at aol.com wrote: 

No, no, you misunderstand.  I did not say that executing the innocent  was 
justified as a deterrent.  I was simply pointing out that any system  
administered by fallible humans is going to result in some percentage of  errors.  I 
don't believe that we should respond to this unavoidable  consequence by dumping 
the entire program.  Your inclination to do exactly  that is understandable 
but potentially VERY costly.  I believe that the end  result would be a far 
GREATER loss of life do to recidivism.
Hope this sheds more light on my position.
Best,  --Tony

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