[Vision2020] No Walmart, Now What?

Area Man areaman at moscow.com
Thu Mar 23 06:32:12 PST 2006

Drexel (and Vizzz peeps),

We're talking two different "layers" in regards to the hearings that
have been held by the Planning and Zoning commission over the last
several weeks regarding the Thompson property.

On February 22, the public hearing was held to hear the application for
the rezone of the Thompson property from Ag/Forest to Motor Business.
On March 8, the P&Z Commission denied the rezone.

Last night (March 22) the P&Z Commission held a public hearing regarding
a proposed amendment to Moscow's Comprehensive Plan which would change
its designation from Extensive Commercial to a designation that would
allow fewer zoning choices.  That petition was denied because the P&Z
Commission felt that zoning options would allow them plenty of control
over what would be allowed on the property.

(Mind you, I'm no expert on zoning or comprehensive plan designations,
but I've had a "crash course" of late, so bear with me)

These are the two levels:  Comprehensive Plan Designation and Zoning.
The Comp Plan Designation allows certain types of zoning.  The
applicants last night wanted to change the designation from Extensive
Commercial (arguably the most permissive designation, allowing ANY
zoning) to Light Industrial (somewhat more restrictive in zoning
options) for part of it, and a Residential (obvious zoning options)
designation for the rest.  These designations would still allow many
options for zoning, but Motor Business (the zone that allows for retail)
would not be allowed.

I'm sure someone else could give you a more concise explaination, but
the gist is that the Designation is the first step, then Zoning follows.
The steps in this case are slightly mixed up due to the timing of
applications and petition filings.

Personally, after attending all these meetings, I think the P&Z
Commission made the right choice last night.  On March 8, they denied
the rezone, but they tasked the developer to "get creative" and come up
with a mixed use plan.  From what I saw, the developer looked eager to
comply.  I look forward to seeing what they come up with.

Thank God it's Thursday,

Your Area Man, Dan Carscallen

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of Drexel Rhoades
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:05 PM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] No Walmart, Now What?

It wasn't that long ago that the P&Z voted down the rezoning of this 
property across from the cemetary.  Now, they're voting to rezone it
for a different purpose.  Does anyone know what this is about, or happen
go to the P&Z meeting? Anyone know what the owner has in mind for that 
property?   I'd much rather have Walmart than a half dozen apartment 
buildings, to be honest.

Talk about a great place for ball fields, though... or a new high
school.  I 
don't think the cemetary will mind the lights and noise!

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