[Vision2020] Wal-Mart to Hire up to 150,000

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 22 07:55:37 PST 2006

 Almost all schools lose enrollment between Fall and  Spring. What is so unusual and telling about the UI enrollment drop is  that we get plenty of new students every year but still lose  enrollment. It is the current students that are not returning. What  that means is that we are attracting people to UI, but once they get  here and try it out, they do not return. Usually when a student  population drops it is because of lack of new enrollment. UI is  excellent at attracting people, it is getting them to stay where we are  having a problem.
 You also have to realize that UI is also a  graduate school, and enrollment in graduate school usually goes up  because of foreign student enrollment. 
  You also fail to take into consideration that Latah County, is also losing population, not just the UI. 
  Take Care,
  Donovan J Arnold

Ron Force <rforce at moscow.com> wrote:All  the state's HE schools, except BSU and CSI, have lost enrollment as  compared to last spring. NIC blames it on the improving job market as  students leave school for full-time employment. Vocational enrollment  showed the greatest losses, which would tend to corroborate that  outlook.

All the schools (except BSU) showed losses in academic full-time student enrollment.

Ron Force          Moscow ID USA
rforce at moscow.com


It  is absurd to suggest that job availability has anything to do with  UI’s decreased enrollment. I won’t speculate why UI’s enrollment  is down other than to say that well-publicized internal problems at UI  as well as the increased quality and popularity of other universities  in the state has more to do with it than a lack of part-time jobs in  Moscow. There are likely other relevant factors of which I am unaware.  (I still think that UI is the best state university in Idaho, by the  way!)

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