[Vision2020] Goodnight Goody, Goodnight Ridge

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 5 07:51:14 PST 2006

Mr. Hansen,
 Thanks for the link. Yes, I did listen to the  radio broadcast, it was interesting, but I did not learn anything new.  I do no find it shocking that a company that sells a high end product  would not want to sell to Walmart. People do not go to Walmart for high  end products. The business owner was not FORCED to work for Walmart, he  CHOSE to stay in the US and not do business with Walmart. 
  That seems to be a concept BJ Swanson and many others do not seem to  understand.  Many do not want nor can they afford high end goods. 
  BJ has made many false statements about Walmart, one being about  Gillette, another being that the majority of products are being made in  factories overseas. The majority of products sold at Walmart are made  in the US. She has done this making up stuff about Walmart,  in  the past as well, such as with employee health insurance, and pay. 
  I do not disagree that Walmart needs improvement and has some nasty  habits in the way it does business, but please, making crap up about  businesses and people is just unacceptable behavior to try and win an  argument.
  Take Care,
Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:              v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}            st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                    Arnold &#8211;
    Ms. Swanson was referring to the &#8220;quality&#8221;  of the product, not the price comparison.
    It  is my impression that Wal-Mart will contract manufacturers to produce,  and sell to them (Wal-Mart), a lower quality product.  In this  manner Wal-Mart retains the manufacturer&#8217;s label on the product while  they (Wal-Mart) continue to under-cut competition.
    Now,  before you go off on some long, boring dissertation about how well the  Duracell batteries worked that you purchased at Wal-Mart:  this  retail &#8220;approach&#8221; is not applied to ALL products at Wal-Mart.
    Ms.  Swanson is not the first person to make such a suggestion.  On  February 3, 2006, David Gardner (host of NPR's "Motley Fool")  interviewed Charles Fishman, author of "The Wal-Mart Effect".   Like I had stated earlier, this interview is well-balanced; the good,  the bad, and the ugly.
    You  will notice that Charles Fishman does not come across as, nor is he, a  campaigner against Wal-Mart.  His claims are substantiated by  references he makes in the course of the above interview.
    Please listen to the interview, Arnold.  You may just  learn something.
    Until then . . .
    Seeya round town, Moscow.
    Tom Hansen
    Moscow, Idaho
    "The Pessimist complains about the  wind, the Optimist expects it to change and the Realist adjusts his  sails." 
  - Unknown 
    From:  vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of Donovan Arnold
  Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 12:31  AM
  To: bjswan at moscow.com;  'Vision 2020'
  Subject: RE: [Vision2020]  Goodnight Goody, Goodnight Ridge
    More rhetoric from BJ Swanson.
  Take this line for example:
  "Compare  the Gillette Mach 3 razors purchased at Wal-Mart with those purchased  at non-Wal-Mart stores.  Notice the color is different even though  the name is the same?  Notice the Wal-Mart Mach 3 doesn&#8217;t last  nearly as long as those purchased from Costco, Rite-Aid, Hodgins,  Marketime?"
 Sorry BJ. I am afraid you are confusing the  Gillette Mach 3 with the Gillettee Mach 3 "turbo" which has a different  color handle and lasts longer. Both of which are cheaper at your local  Wal-Mart. 
 A Wal-Mart is significantly cheaper than even a  local discount store like Winco. For example, Hefty Serve and Store  plates 22 count $2.00 at Wal-Mart. At Winco, $2.78 but 20 count. Aleve  Pain medication, $12.48 for 200 count. Winco $20 if you buy 2 100  bottles, they do not ha! ve 200.
  Heinz Tomato Ketchup 36 oz, $1.78 at Wal_Mart, $2.12 at Winco.
  3 bars of Irish Spring soap, 75 cents. The same three bars at Winco, over $2.
  12 Pack of any Pepsi or Coke, $3 at Wal-Mart $3.78 at Winco. Safeway $4.50
  I could not find one item that was sold at both Winco and Walmart where  Wal-Mart was not at least 15% cheaper.
  On average I save 20% off a price of an item IF I can find it at  Wal_Mart. I would save $1000 a year on groceries alone plus they would  bag my groceries for me and take my debit card. $1000 a year probably  ain't worth the trips for BJ Swanson with her salary. But for me and  many college students that is a huge chunk of cash we can use toward  the dental care she helped cut from the UI health insurance program.
  The Diet Coke, Heinz Ketchup, and Aleve I buy at Wal-Mart is the EXACT same  product I buy at Safeway, Winco, and ShopKo. 
  Many businesses are taking your money a! nd ripping you off OR have a  lousy business model if they are selling the same product for a price  25% higher than Wal_mart. Our local businesses do NOT pay workers more  than Wal_mart. 
 A Super Wal-Mart would not only force prices lower  for everyone, which benefits us all, but it also would supply us with  more goods that Moscow is not providing that so many of us leave town  to get. Not to mention the added benefits of being able to shop in Moscow  outside the hours of 11AM to 4 PM. 
  "B. J.  Swanson" <bjswan at moscow.com>  wrote:
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