[Vision2020] Crosswalks near Wendys & in general

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Fri Jun 30 11:31:48 PDT 2006


Is this the same IDT:

That lost two bulldozers in Lake Coeur d'Alene?
That spewed hundreds of tons of silt into Lake Coeur d'Alene during the 
south Mica Hill reroute?
Whose rebuilt Mica Hill north descent caved into a few years ago and whose 
replacement is starting to do the same thing?
Who caused a wetland/swamp north of Sandpoint to raise several feet when 
they put heavy fill over part of it?
Whose management of the Skyline/North of Potlatch project has caused 
motorists a kirker-load of delays, damage, and the need for a repavement of 
part of it?

Why, questioning IDT competence is almost as sacrilegious as questioning the 
Cultmaster's divinity!

Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
deco at moscow.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philip Cook" <pcook818 at adelphia.net>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Crosswalks near Wendys & in general

> Bill,
> I think you're presenting somewhat of a red herring. The need for improved 
> pedestrian access across Hwy 8 would still exist, regardless of the land 
> use on A Street. To wit, hundreds of students live in UI housing on the 
> south side of Hwy 8 and partronize businesses on the north side (and 
> presumably would have patronized businesses along a commercially-zoned A 
> Street). At least some of those students (and other non-students) cross 
> Hwy 8 on foot.
> Although none of the data I have seen breaks down the number of pedestrian 
> crossings of Hwy 8 by students, residents of A Street, nor purpose for 
> crossing the street, I suspect you are correct that residential use of A 
> Street has exacerbated the problem. However, I believe the problem would 
> exist regardless.
> For me, more of the blame goes to the Idaho Transportation Department, who 
> controls the Hwy 8 corridor, for placing more emphasis on accommodating 
> motorized traffic than pedestrian traffic. (And I suppose the bottom line 
> is ITD is only reflecting society's current preferences, so I guess we 
> should be blaming ourselves.)
> Philip Cook
> Moscow
>> Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 09:58:39 -0700
>> From: "Bill London" <london at moscow.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Crosswalks near Wendys & in general
>> regarding the accident-waiting-to-happen where students are crossing the 
>> Moscow-Pullman highway between the UI and the apartments on A Street.....
>> The reason this problem is surfacing now is the negligence of the 
>> previous City Council.  That A Street area was zoned commercial, and the 
>> previous council just couldn't say NO when developers wanted to put 
>> apartments there.
>> Now, we all have to deal with the problems that have resulted from that 
>> bad decision-making.
>> BL
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