[Vision2020] Good sport? No!

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Fri Jun 23 15:27:24 PDT 2006



From: "Saundra Lund" <sslund at adelphia.net>
To: "'Deacon James'" <deaconjames at verizon.net>
CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Good sport? No!
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 14:19:13 -0700

Speaking of pedophiles, Mr. James, when did *you* learn not only that an
adult predator had abused one of our community's *very* young teen girls but
also that a serial predatory pedophile had operated undetected in our
community for 18 months?

According to your pastor, the information was available to you sometime in
late 2005.

If that's the case, I'd like to know what makes you think it proper to
"infiltrate" V2020 now with all your silly sports posts to try to shift
attention away from real issues facing our community after you *chose* to
remain silent while privy to *important* information pertaining to the
safety of our children, information that was withheld from the vast majority
of our community?

Oh . . . wait . . . I see where you admitted on V2020 to being at a 2005 HOH
parish meeting where you were informed.

Then WHAT in God's name is your excuse, Mr. James?

Somehow, I don't think God is going to look too kindly on your strategy of
obfuscation that harms *all* of God's children.  You *knew*, and you said
nothing . . . did nothing . . . to protect our children.  Shame on you, Mr.
James  :-(

May God have mercy on your soul.

Saundra Lund
Moscow, ID

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
- Edmund Burke

***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2006, Saundra Lund.
Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside the Vision 2020 forum
without the express written permission of the author.*****

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Deacon James
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 11:59 AM
To: Larson Hicks
Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Good sport? No!


Is that $19.95 for LIVE access? If that's the case, it would certainly be
worth it.


From: Larson Hicks <larsonhicks at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jun 23 13:43:13 CDT 2006
Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Good sport? No!

Speaking of little men - the draw for Wimbeldon has taken place and it looks
like Federer got a tough one.  My question is:  Is it worth $19.95 to get
all-access to the Wimbeldon action on the interweb?  I was terribly
dissappointed that I didn't get to watch any of the French Open and I have a
feeling that Wimbeldon might be Lleyton's chance to dethrone Nadal, which
would make my month!

This is a serious question, I hope this isn't misconstrued as some sort of
ploy to distract from Jackie's brilliant and very important concerns about
the safety of downtowners from all of the drunk fundy-pedophiles that'll be
flooding downtown in a month, or especially from her valuable facial-hair

On 6/23/06, J Ford <privatejf32 at hotmail.com> wrote:Look, little man - I was
bringing up concerns that I felt needed to be aired.  If you don't have
anything valid or contributory to offer, why don't you just sit down on the
big couch in front of the big tv and watch the big game?  Or better yet, why
don't you go clean out your beard.......it looks<br>more like a
food-catch-all than a facial feature to be proud of.<br><br>You are not
funny and you certainly do not have this community's interest in mind when
you post this kind of clap-trap.

Gabe has made some major errors while being the "security coordinator" for
this event.  The concerns of the people involved have been and apparently
will continue to be ignored by him and the rest of the "gang".  This does
NOT speak well for your organization nor for the "christian" way you are
supposed to be operating.

He has less than one month and a few days before this thing goes...he has
YET to even contact the businesses in the CBD, much less "coordinate"
anything that would relay any sense of confidence to the community regarding

I felt his presentation and affect during his talk on Monday as well as
other times he has come before a City Committee, was totally unprofessional,
did NOT come across as being confident and lacked a great deal of
information that could have prevented ANYone from asking questions or at
least fewer ones.  I don't see why this type of permit, which effects all of
us TAX PAYING citizens can not be brought before the public and our input be
listened to.  You don't agree with that - fine.<br><br>Don't accuse me of
something you have NO knowledge of nor has any basis of fact to back it up.
You don't even know me.  (Yes, I know - that has never stopped you people
from being stupid before.)

Now, I am sure there must be something on ESPN you could be

J  :]

 >From: "Taro Tanaka" <taro_tanaka at hotmail.com>
 >To: vision2020 at moscow.com
 >Subject: [Vision2020] Good sport: entertaining J Ford's questions with
 >theseriousness they deserve
 >Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 11:18:10 +0000
 >Let others blather mindlessly about sports. I, for one, shall be a good
 >sport and entertain J Ford's questions with the seriousness they deserve.
 >Question 1:  Was he aware of the complaints last year (as he
 >specifically stated on Monday) or was he not?
 >Answer 1: That is correct.
 >Question 2:  Are they not valid simply because he may not have been
 >aware of them?  He says several time in his statement that he does not
 >feel they (the complaints) are valid because he did not know about them
 >until "they were brought to the table a couple of weeks ago."
 >Answer 2: The bad news is, the statute of limitations has run out on
 >last year's complaints. The good news is, there is still plenty of time
 >to get<br>>in your reservations for this year's complaints. Be a good
citizen! -- complain early, complain often.
 >Question 3:  WHAT account?  What does that mean?
 >Answer 3: That "account" means *causality.* You can read it as, "I
 >assume you want us to have 2 Moscow PC officers *because of* Credenda
 >Question 4:  Why in this world would you "assume" the City Council
 >wants 2 MPD?  Assumptions are based on knowledge, to some extent, and
 >so I am wondering just what his "assume"ing is based upon.
 >Answer 4: No, if assumptions were *based on* knowledge, they would not
 >be assumptions. Assumptions are things that you simply *asssume* to be
 >Knowledge is based on assumptions (i.e., faith), not the other way around.
 >Question 5a:  Did anyone ask Moscow Hotel if they want *his* security
 >guards "permanently" stationed on their steps?
 >Answer 5a: No, but since 9/11 such measures have unfortunately become
 >necessary for security. Your kind understanding and cooperation are
 >greatly appreciated.
 >Question 5b:  Since Gabe is denying there was a problem last year in
 >regards to the access issue, and he had security guards there LAST
 >year, what makes it any better this year, to set the situation up the same
 >Answer 5b: It must be granted that setting the situation up the same
 >way as last year does not make it any better this year. It only makes
 >it "just as good," which is okay insofar as there was no problem last 
 >Question 6:  Just how many "security guards" will be stationed around
 >the play area to guard the children from interacting with people who
 >have/will be drinking?
 >Answer 6: This information cannot be divulged for security reasons, but
 >it will be an adequate number. There are also ample numbers of highly
 >trained yet fresh reservists that can be called up in the event an
 >unexpectedly large number of paedocommunionists show up.
 >Question 7:  Just what kind of training or experience will these
 >"security guards" have that would enable them to spot a person, much
 >less take care of a person, that has partaken a bit too much of what
 >the beer/wind garden will be offering?
 >Answer 7: This information too cannot be divulged for security reasons,
 >but suffice it to say that key personnel in charge of training are
 >former members of elite U.S. military special forces drinking teams. A
 >few country bumpkins, even armed with six-packs of Sam Adams, are no
 >match for these guys.
 >Question 8:  How many drinks will any one person or persons be allowed
 >to buy during the evening and who is going to say "enough"?
 >Answer 8: People shall be permitted drinks only up to the limit, and
 >not one drink beyond the limit shall be permitted.
 >Question 9:  Is there any reason this event could not have been held in
 >the East Side Park, where the beer/wind garden could be placed at a
 >safer distance from the children's play area?
 >Answer 9: Yes, there is a reason: an increased distance in the other
 >location would not be "safer."
 >Question 10:  Why is it that this issue is not opened to a public
 >hearing so that those with LEGITIMATE concerns can be heard before you
 >allow this type of event to be given a green light?
 >Answer 10: Legitimate concerns like the ones you are expressing here?
 >To ask the question is to answer it. Why don't you pour yourself a
 >stiff drink or three, pop a few Prozacs, and then we can talk when you
 >are no longer hyperventilating.
 >Question 11:  Why not put out a resolution that any beer/wine request
 >for ANY City Park be open to public comment?
 >Answer 11: Do you mind if we offer up libations to the gods while we
 >hear these public comments?
 >It seems to me that the added traffic issues, the noise issues and the
 >possible DWI issues an event like this is likely to create dictates the
 >public's interests and concerns should be heard by the City Council
 >before it just grants an event like this "carte blanche."
 >Don't worry, as far as profitless increased traffic and noise issues
 >are concerned, your pre-emptive fret-fest already far outstrips
 >anything the Trinity Fest itself causes. Keep it up and the Trinity
 >Fest will seem staid and quiet by comparison. As for intoxication, I'd
 >like to know what you've been ingesting that makes your mind produce
 >the above questions. You should stay away from controlled substances.
 >-- Princess Sushitushi
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