[Vision2020] Wilson makes Somebody furious!--Wilson killed Santa

Joe Campbell joekc at adelphia.net
Sat Jun 17 15:29:41 PDT 2006

I think that you are missing the point, Donovan. 

The claim is not that Wilson is somehow responsible for the deads of Sitler. That is absurd. Sitler did the deads, not Wilson.

The question is, Why didn't the congregation, and the community, find out sooner? Why didn't I find out about this sooner than last week?

You keep describing this particular incident as part of something more general but it alone is a bit unsettling.

Best, Joe

---- Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote: 

 The police knew about the allegations and Sitler had  ZERO access to members of the congregation's children. With that being  the case, Wilson had no legal authority to gossip about a member of his  congregation before trial and would have been interfering with the case  and investigation if he had. 
So people are simply trying to  make the case, unsuccessfully, that Wilson placed children in his  congregation at risk of being exploited by Sitler after it was  discovered he was harming children. This is false, the police will tell  you it is false, and not one shred of evidence can be presented that  contradicts that fact. These are unfounded accusations based on  speculation with an intent to assassinate the character of Douglas  Wilson. If Wilson had Sitler chained in his basement during the  investigation I am sure several people would be saying the same thing.
  Wilson did not enable Sitler to molest children. I know several want it  to be true, because that would destroy Wilson. But it isn't. So let us  hear a new unfounded allegation already so we can show that one is  untrue like the others. 
  I heard Wilson told a six year old boy there was no Santa--rumor, speculation, doesn't matter, this is Division 2020. 
  Best Regards,

Ellen Roskovich <gussie443 at hotmail.com> wrote:    Donovan.  . . I don't think this is about notifying authorities.  By "other  people" I think the poster is refering to the congregation of Christ  Church.  At least that's how I understood it.

From:  Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>
To:  second plank <secondplank at yahoo.com>, vision2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject:  Re: [Vision2020] Wilson makes Somebody furious!
Date:  Sat, 17 Jun 2006 04:22:56 -0700 (PDT)

I  am afraid all the information presented here by this anonymous  poster  is incorrect. Police were contacted immediately after  Wilson found out  about Sitler's monstrous actions. This has  already been explained  several times.

second plank <secondplank at yahoo.com> wrote:    This is worth posting here. Taken from a comment at

That 8 month gap between when Wilson found out Sitler
had molested children in Christchurch and when Wilson
let other people know is what bothers me the most.
And my fellow anonymous posters- it doesn't matter
where Sitler was in all that time or what he was
Wilson was basically relying on SITLER to tell him
which, if any, other children he'd abused.  
Relying on
the word of a pediophile to protect the sheep was
criminally negligent on Wilson's part. He gave Sitler
8 months of grace,whereby any small children he'd
molested could get confused and foggy on the details
of what happened to them. He abused children as young
as two years of age. Eight months is a long time for
the parents of all the two year olds in your church
not to be told they might have been exposed to a

It's not his fault Sitler was a creep. It's not his
fault that Sitler put himself in a position where he
had access to children- that's what predators of his
type do. It's not his fault that kids were molested.
But it is his fault that he didn't make that
information available immediately to his flock so that
they could check with their children and make sure no
harm had been done. If there are any children Sitler
molested (or young girls that other man tampered with)
that Wilson  
didn't know about because he trusted
Sitler's word, then Wilson is responsible for the
eight month period those children have been left alone
with the pain and horror they experienced, with nobody
to treat them, to help them, to reassure them because
Wilson decided his church did not need to know a child
molester had been with them until the sentencing.
It is inexcusable not to let the flock in on this
until eight months have gone by and the ability of the
smallest victims to recount what happened to them
completely lost. It was inexcusable to take Sitler's
word for it that he'd told Wilson everything.
Accountability alone would demand that he would check
up on Sitler's story as best he could, and basic
concern for the children would require that he let
parents know asap so that they could make sure their
children hadn't been injured.

The parents in your church should have known within
days of the confession, Mr.  
Firsthand, not within days
of the sentencing.

And now we know that Sitler was still posting pictures
of children from Christchurch on his family's website
up until the day he was sentenced- and Wilson says he
didn't know about that. Maybe Sitler wasn't as
reliable as Wilson thought- and it's not Wilson paying
for that, it's any other children he molested that he
didn't tell Wilson about.
If Wilson was concerned about that possibility, he'd
have let his flock know 8 months sooner than he did,
but it looks to me like the only concerns he had were
to protect himself- maybe he just didn't want fresh
accusations coming out against Sitler. After all,
NSA's lawyer had the supposedly 'repentant' Sitler
plea bargain down to pleading guilty to only count,
even though he had confessed to others.

And that members of his flock can defend him for
keeping this vital information to himself for all
those months is just  
totally disturbing. What's WRONG
with you sycophants?

If my pastor told me "Eight months ago a man
accustomed to visiting our church confessed to abusing
some children, and he's going to be sentenced tthis
month, so you should all know about it now," I would
be furious.

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