[Vision2020] NAMBLA does not speak for me.

Joan Opyr joanopyr at moscow.com
Fri Jun 16 00:54:47 PDT 2006

I don't know how many ways I can say this, or why I should have to, but 
here goes: NAMBLA does not speak for me.  Furthermore, NAMBLA does not 
speak for any GLBT person I know.  NAMBLA does not speak for any GLBT 
group in my vast experience of GLBT groups.  NAMBLA is a pariah and 
justifiably so.  Unlike Doug Farris, I would not be caught dead surfing 
on the NAMBLA website.  What kind of fever-pitch of blame throwing 
would inspire you to do that?  Are you mad?  Are you smoking crack?  
What will you try next?  Downloading child porn in some vain attempt to 
make your whacked-out point?

NAMBLA bears the same relationship to the GLBT community that the Army 
of God bears to Christians.  Raise your hands, Doug, et al, if you 
support the bombing of abortion clinics, gay bars, and the Olympics.  
Anyone?  No?  Despite your bigoted vitriol, I would never accuse you of 
supporting religious terrorism.  I would expect you to find the Army of 
God as repulsive as I find NAMBLA.  But then, I would also expect you 
to denounce -- not to defend, not to excuse, and not to ask for 
judicial leniency for -- any pedophiles in your midst.  I would expect 
that you, as parents, would be as horrified by Steven Sitler's crimes 
as I am.  No matter how much sand you attempt to throw in our eyes, 
this is an issue on which we should be united: there is no excuse under 
the sun for what this man did.

Steven Sitler is a serial child molester.  He is a opportunistic sexual 
predator.  What Steven Sitler is not is "homosexual," and his case has 
nothing to do with "a greater societal tolerance" for gay and lesbian 
people.  This rotten fruit fell from your own diseased tree.  Instead 
of pointing up at the sky and yelling, "Look, a lesbian," you might 
consider pruning.

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment

PS: This is the last thing I will say on the subject of NAMBLA.  It's a 
non-starter, Doug Farris, and I would advise you, for the sake of your 
children, to make damned certain that you have cleaned their monstrous 
crap out of your Internet cache file.

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