[Vision2020] ISP emphasis patrol this weekend

Janesta Carcich janestacarcich at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 28 10:20:26 PDT 2006

I am pleased they will be out in force. The problems
mentioned are big ones... However, I could never
figure out if they REALLY want to catch people, why do
they warn us in advance?


--- Mark Solomon <msolomon at moscow.com> wrote:

>  From Betsy Russell of the Spokesman Review's blog 
> http://www.spokesmanreview.com/blogs/boise/
> Watch your driving this weekend (and other times as
> well...)
> Mark
> *******
> They're targeting mountain highways
> Driving to the mountains this weekend? ISP wants you
> to watch out. 
> They're targeting failure to pull over and improper
> passing on 
> mountain highways, and will keep it up for the next
> several weeks. 
> They're reminding motorists that Idaho law requires
> that on two-lane 
> highways outside urban areas, a vehicle going slower
> than the normal 
> speed of traffic and holding up three other
> motorists must pull off 
> at the next safe turnout to let folks pass. They're
> also going after 
> improper passing, in no-passing zones and when it's
> not safe. "Our 
> troopers will be working the mountain highways over
> the next several 
> weeks with a particular focus on making sure
> motorists pull over when 
> they need to, and others don't pass when they
> shouldn't," said ISP 
> Region 3 Commander Capt. Steve Richardson.>
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