[Vision2020] Islam, the path to WWIII?
J Ford
privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 14 22:44:49 PDT 2006
Thank you, Doug Jones.
BTW, a topic at the Trinity Fest just happens to be: Washington and the
J :]
>From: "Taro Tanaka" <taro_tanaka at hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Islam, the path to WWIII?
>Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 01:59:16 +0000
>(This reply is dedicated to George Washington, who is spinning in his
>As a nation, it's none of our business. Israel is no friend of Christians,
>that's for sure. There was more freedom to evangelize in Saddam Hussein's
>Iraq than there is in Israel. Israel has treated Arab Christians living in
>Palestine like total dirt, and America's premil Dispensationalists have
>simply ignored the plight of their Christian brethren in that country.
>Then there is stuff like the following, which happens FREQUENTLY, although
>it is not widely reported in this country:
>Anyway, I'm not rooting for Islam. Neither am I rooting for Israel. I'm
>rooting for every knee to be bowed in honor of, and every voice to raised
>in praise of, the Prince of Peace. And one of the things that followers of
>the Prince of Peace do is leave other countries alone when they are not
>attacking us. As an American Christian, the conflict between Jews and Arabs
>in the Middle East is none of my business.
>I'm all for every American learning how to operate a high-powered rifle so
>they can spatter the brains of enemy attackers when they clamber up our
>beaches to invade our country. But we don't have any legitimate business
>attempting to impose "regime change" on Iraq or any other country. Precious
>American blood is being shed in an unrighteous war . . . which is not to
>say that I favor an immediate pullout either. Now that we have foolishly
>rushed in to where even angels fear to tread, we are more or less stuck
>there. A fine mess our immature Christian president got us into by
>listening to a bunch of neocons who thought they're smarter than what the
>Bible teaches. I hope I'm wrong, but I predict the day will come, if it has
>not already, when GWB rues the fact that he dumped Saddam Hussein. As
>atrociious as Hussein was, he is no worse and possibly a lot better than
>any alternative government that can be reasonably expected to rule that
>country. Secular democracy in Iraq? Yeah, right, when pigs fly. In the
>meantime, Iraq's Christians live in constant fear of the depredations of
>Shiite and Wahhabi extremists.
>J Nixon says he would gladly pay a higher price for gas than for Israel to
>allow their dignity and soverignty to erode. Well, I repeat Israeli dignity
>and soverignty is not something that we have any legitimate concern with in
>this country. Let the Israelis worry about that. But since that's the way J
>Nixon feels, I hope J Nixon will please pay me the difference that I'm
>feeling at the gas pump, and in the across-the-board price increases that
>are impacting my ability to raise my children to be godly, productive
>Christians. Why should I, as an American Christian, have to subsidize the
>dignity and sovereignty of a country that is so antagonistic to Christians?
>Personally, I would just as soon have bought my oil from Saddam Hussein as
>from Kuwait or the Saudis, which have their own atrocious record on human
>rights, including oppression of Christians that is far worse than anything
>Christians experienced in Iraq under Hussein. The Wahhabist-instigated
>terrorism that we are seeing all over the world is fueld by Saudi oil
>money. If we had been buying our oil from Saddam Hussein instead of from
>Saudi Arabia, that, at least, is one outcome that we could have avoided.
>All the Islamic nations, as well as Israel, have severe problems for us as
>Americans, especially if we are American Christians. (I recognize that
>those problems are not all the same in each country, although as a
>Christian I must say that the underlying cause is the same: their failure,
>as societies, to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ.) I'm not
>going to root for anyone -- it's none of my business. And neither is it J
>Nixon's or any other American's.
>In the meantime, J Nixon, seeing as how you are happy to pay higher gas
>prices, may I have a mailing address to which I can send an invoice for the
>extra amount that I'm being forced to pay to subsidize Israel's "dignity
>and sovereignty"?
>-- Princess Sushitushi
>J Nixon writes:
>[[ I, for one am ecstatic about Israels emergence out of the doldrums and
>the pacifistic approach to peace in the region. They have been stomped on
>for years, and usually turn the other cheek four or five times before
>reacting. (Israels mere existence as a nation rose from reaction.) Its
>just too bad that they are the only ones in the area that want peace, but
>are forced to react to the actions of Muhammad the war monger worshippers
>in dirty night sheets. If they (Israel) have any modicum of sensibility,
>they will bomb every nation in the region who supports terrorists (and they
>are off to a great start)
>a huge parking lot would be an improvement. When people are intrinsically
>evil, what are your options?
> Go get em Israel. I would rather pay high gas prices then for Israel to
>continue to allow their dignity and sovereignty to erode. Why must we fail
>to acknowledge the common thread in every battle in that area? Islam
>epitomizes evil. Simply a small thrust into the Koran will reveal this
>axiom. Eradicate Islam (or, at least the fundamentalists), its the only
>path the peace in the area ]]
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