[Vision2020] Moscow Ordinance 2002-13 aka The "Topless" Ordinance

John Dickinson johnd at moscow.com
Wed Jul 5 14:50:39 PDT 2006


While I would certainly not attempt to speak for the entire City Council, I
can tell you that Moscow does have a few laws that are either silly, not
enforced, unenforceable, or all of the above. Here is my little list:

TITLE 10 Sec. 1-11. Playing in Streets Prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any person to play ball, catch, or other game, or
throw any ball or other object to and fro upon any public thoroughfare in
the City.

TITLE 10 Sec. 1-3. Expectorating on Sidewalk or in Public Buildings.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to expectorate or spit upon any of
the sidewalks or upon any theater, public building, church or room used for
public assemblies.

B. Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be deemed
guilty of an infraction and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished
pursuant to this Code and the Idaho code unless otherwise specifically
provided for in this Chapter.

TITLE 10 Sec. 1-16. Public Nudity.

A. Definitions:

1. Pubescent or post pubescent female breast. This shall include the entire
breast once a female begins puberty and continuing throughout her adult
life, but shall not include any portion of breast cleavage.

2. Breast cleavage. The middle depression or furrow between pubescent or
postpubescent female breasts. The nipple, the entire areola, and the area
contiguous to the areola including the cleft between the breast and the body
below the areola which extends upward toward the arm or underarm is not
considered cleavage.

3. Opaque. Material which is not transparent or translucent. Body paint,
body dyes, tattoos, liquid latex whether wet or dried, and similar
substances shall not be considered opaque covering.

B. No person shall willfully expose to view or fail to cover completely and
opaquely any portion of such person's anus, cleft of the buttocks, genitals,
and the pubescent or postpubescent female breast on or in any public place
or place open to public view.

C. Exposure of any portion of a female's breast while she is in the act of
breastfeeding a baby is not a violation of this Section.

D. This Section shall not apply to a person who is prepubescent.


There was a time when I thought it would be worth the time to remove these
ordinances, I now find that there are too many other important activities of
the City Council. So until kids playing ball in the street are rounded up or
somebody gets arrested for spitting or girls are picked up at the swimming
pool, I think that unenforced laws don't bother anyone.




From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Donovan Arnold
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 7:10 AM
To: Tom Hansen; 'Saundra Lund'; 'g. crabtree'; vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Moscow Ordinance 2002-13 aka The "Topless"


Obviously, the current City Council agrees with the topless ordinance since
it has not reversed or changed it.


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