[Vision2020] LMT Letters: Ready, set, go?

Area Man (Dan C) areaman at moscow.com
Fri Jan 27 07:38:11 PST 2006

Edward Christian weighs in in the Trib:
Acting like children

With the liberal landslide victory in Moscow's city elections in
November (and thus the ouster of the pro-business, pro-development
conservatives), a political idealistic war was soon to begin. 

The liberals fired the first shot. Mayor Nancy Chaney decided not to
begin each council meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance (Tribune, Jan.
21) and is looking for a different opening. 

Instead of reading from "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx or from
Chairman Mao's little red book, may I suggest she simply do what many do
to start children's activities and simply say, "Ready, set, go". 

Edward Christian 

Remember, Moscow, Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. 



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