[Vision2020] Walmart example

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 9 19:15:43 PST 2006


Just wondering who, in your opinion, would be put out of business in the 
downtown area?
I always thought these are specialty shops, which in lou have nothing to do 
with Wally world.

Hell Phil I'm with ya I hate the place. But what do ya do? Walmart is 
comming and there is a lot of people that want them too. Any good business 
will find away around this monopoly. IM sure you dont priortize your 
business around beads(great cause thanks for the benefits to Moscow), but 
rather , how do I get a  21 girl/boy to come in and have a few or few to 
many drinks. Point is every business finds the loopholes or whatever to 
survive, if not well, just ask uncle sam to take over for ya.

>From: "Shelly" <CJs at turbonet.com>
>To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: [Vision2020] Walmart example
>Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 18:23:33 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
>I want to give you guys one small example of what Walmart did to CJ's and
>others the last two years. Walmart does not sell Mardi Gras beads. At least
>it didn't. But they saw how well we all were doing at selling the beads 
>week out of the year) so they jumped in with both feet. The front wall at
>Walmart that everybody walks past, sure enough, massive quantities of Mardi
>Gras beads for sale at a price of 1/2 of what I pay to get them. Now, after
>asking Walmart to donate proceeds (as most of you know Mardi Gras in Moscow
>is a benefit event) well, you can imagine. The manager told me NO WAY! So
>those dollars are not out flowing to the Walmart Family. Taking money out 
>our community.
>Last year I decided that I am all done with beads and I gave away every
>single strand of beads I had. I am no longer in the selling beads business.
>Soon, the tire guy will not be able to compete with Walmart. Nor the gas
>station. Nor the grocery store, shoe makers, shoe fixers, coffee shops. If
>they see coffee shops profiting in Moscow, watch out. The general
>merchandiser who has just done a major expansion. All the clothing stores.

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