[Vision2020] The homophobic arousal test

Joan Opyr joanopyr at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 5 16:24:16 PST 2006

On 5 Jan 2006, at 14:55, Art Deco wrote:

> Michael,
> Thank you for your insight on Doug Farris:
> " ...I wouldn’t want it to be lost on the grounds that you do like to 
> talk about what other people do in bed at night."
> When someone like Farris concerns themselves excessively about what 
> other people do in bed, it argues that what goes on in their own bed 
> is much less than satisfactory or exciting.

FYI, I caught the tail end of a documentary the other night that 
mentioned a test conducted some years ago by psychologists at the 
University of Georgia.  A group of young college men was divided into 
two groups: homophobes and those comfortable with their own 
(heterosexual) orientation.  The young men were ushered, individually, 
into a room where each sat in a comfy recliner and watched gay porn 
with a "penile function" meter attached to his John Thomas.  The 
result?  The self-identified homophobes registered physical arousal 
when shown images of men engaged in gay sex.  The non-homophobes 
registered nothing.  What was equally interesting was that despite the 
physical evidence to the contrary, the homophobes steadfastly denied 
that they had had any reaction other than revulsion to the gay scenes 
they had watched.

Now, I want to make it clear that I absolutely do not want Doug Farris, 
Dale Courtney, Lou Sheldon, Jesse Helms, or J. Edgar Hoover in my club. 
  I would much prefer that all GLBT people (or those below 5 on the 
Kinsey scale) were marvelously self-accepting and well-adjusted.  
Unfortunately, the University of Georgia is against me, and it would 
seem that those who negatively obsess about what gay men and lesbians 
do in bed are often sad, latent, and repressed individuals who could do 
with an understanding, kind, and patient therapist.

And that's one of the many reasons why I'm not a therapist.

Marching gaily forward,

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment
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