[Vision2020] RE: [Vision2020 anonymity (was Chas on John D)

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 00:13:47 PST 2006

On 2/6/06, Phil Nisbet <pcnisbet1 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I have not taken offense at Chas or anybody else posting with their real
> names over this issue.  I take your post as from a real person with a real
> question.

> John D is a troll.  He only attacks very specific people.  I ask why he is
> very specifically targeting a Jew.  My conclusion can only be that he is
> politically motivated to do so.  I can not show that he is not doing so as
> some Aryan Nations flake, because he refuses consistantly to identify
> himself.  If his motivations differ from that, its pretty easy for him to
> identify himself and allow us to know that he is not a skinhead.

Phil, I'd like to ask you to do us a favor.  Several favors, actually.
 First, identify the posts in which John D has "attacked" Jews. 
Specifically.  Not tangentially, as you have used the word "target" in
your accusations, and this implies that John D has, with malicious
intent, focused his anti-Semitic energies against very specific
(Jewish) people.  Who?  Where?  If John D has acted as reprehensibly
you claim, then it should be obvious to all of us.  Second favor:
analyze your conclusion.  You say that the reason for John D's attacks
can "ONLY be  that he is politically motivated to do so" (emphasis
mine).  Is that the sole alternative?  Of course not.  Maybe John D
has factual evidence for his criticisms, and it is coincidence that
the subjects are all Jewish.  Maybe John D hasn't made any criticisms
at all, and you are allowing your hyper-sensitivity on this issue
cloud your judgement.

John D chooses not to identify himself in his Vision2020 postings.  I
wish that he did, but I am not incredibly chagrined that he doesn't. 
At most, I consider it discourteous.  I don't know why John D doesn't
post with his identity exposed, as he isn't trolling, not by my
definition.  If he were leaving messages that said "YOU FUCKING CHRIST
I would understand his reticence.

Truthfully, I suspect that he doesn't reveal his identity because it
riles *you* up so much.  Seriously.  I apologize if this besmirches
your character, John D, but that is my primary suspicion.

Last favor: Step back for a day or so before you answer this.  Breathe
deeply.  Then reply having taken at least some of my points into
consideration.  Please, answer the questions that I've posed in favors
#1 and #2.  You will be doing yourself a favor at the same time that
you do yourself a favor: I don't think it would be inaccurate to say
that several of us are beginning to question your rationality.  You
are intelligent, literate, and we know that you can be reasonable, but
when it comes to this subject it seems that you are controlled by your



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