[Vision2020] the worthless vision

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 22:17:00 PST 2006


This list is what we make it.  If you want to hear more about 
Moscow-specific topics, write about them.  There is room here for both 
the national scene, the religious posts, and local topics.

I would be happy to post more on Moscow-related topics, but I don't know 
where to start.  Even though I grew up here and have lived here since 
1970 or so, I am not very knowledgable about our city.  That's one of 
the reasons I subscribed to this list.  For instance, I had no idea 
there was a parade either.

As for talking about national topics, well, why not?  Don't national 
issues affect us here?

I hope for more suggestions for how we can improve our lives here, and 
wait patiently for the topics that will encourage us to work together.  
Until then, I like to debate about some of the various topics that do 
come up.


Pennsylvania Place wrote:

> When I discovered this forum I wrongly assumed it was a place to 
> discuss news and gossip about Moscow and the U of I. Instead, it is a 
> place full of national politics, the War in Iraq, and stupid petty 
> battles between Christ Church and Anti-Christ Church people.
> Did anyone know there was a holiday parade? I didn't! Would have liked 
> to have taken my children, but I never heard about it - the Viz is too 
> busy arguing about Calvinist bulls**t to remember that this is 
> supposed to be a forum for MOSCOW.
> There are some well-educated people on this list, and some real 
> idiots, too - but does even the most well-educated person on this list 
> think that anything they say about national politics hasn't been said 
> better by a national pundit? And why is anyone wasting their time 
> responding to people like Tony or the Princess? It's a waste of time, 
> mental energy, and of my time trying to find something about MOSCOW on 
> this worthless email list.
> Good grief. I'll go back to subscribing to the Daily News.
> Penny
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