[Vision2020] Reply to Keely, Michael & Jackie on Imprecatory Prayer

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Mon Dec 18 16:27:47 PST 2006

Keely writes:

"Further, the Princess' torrent of words obscures rather than  
illumines, and
his suggestion that "harassment" and "slander" is directed toward the  
for no reason other than hatred toward God -- and to a degree that  
rises to
the level of persecution unto martyrdom -- simply boggles the mind."

Art Deco writes:

Aside from showing himself by these words as being in a state of deep
delusion needing intense forensic intervention, perhaps it also shows  
it has been a long time since Princess Doug has been thoroughly wormed.


Ralph writes:

He'll get thoroughly wormed when he gets down to Sheol.

"Will any teach God knowledge, seeing that he judges those that are  
on high? One dies in full prosperity, being wholly at ease and  
secure, his loins full of milk and the marrow of his bones moist.  
Another dies in bitterness of soul, having never tasted of good. They  
lie down alike in the dust, and the worms cover them" (Job 21:22-26).

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