[Vision2020] Adulterous Perjurer Swarmed in Hanoi

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Dec 9 08:28:10 PST 2006

You are wrong, ToeKnee.

I hold strong contempt for those presidents whose lies have resulted in
unnecessary burdens being placed on the shoulders of the American people,
lies that continue to sweep the flag-draped coffins of America's youth under
the proverbial rug as these same presidents continue to wage unqualified

I have marched and demonstrated against a corrupt war in 1968 and the
administration that unjustly involved us in it, although I did enlist into
the Army a year later (for reasons of my own).  I will continue to speak out
against our current self-righteous, unethical administration as long as
Bush's war machine continues to fill body bags with our youth.

Sidebar:  President Johnson refused to seek another term because his
generals had lied to him and he felt that the American people had lost faith
in him.  President Bush criticizes generals for stepping forward with the

As far as the subject matter ("Adulterous Perjurer Swarmed in Hanoi") is
concerned.  I recall our current president during his recent visit to
Vietnam and how he so proudly smiled in front of a statue of Ho Chi Minh
without EVER demanding that the Vietnam government account for any of the
thousands of unaccounted for POWs/MIAs.


When Bush lies, people die.

Enough said.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil
and steady dedication of a lifetime." 

--Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr.

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