[Vision2020] more from schmoe

Joseph Schmoe shhhmo at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 26 16:51:27 PDT 2006

A hearty thank you to Mr. Crabtree, and to Mr. Decker. You both were kind and quite entertaining. It appears you have a pretty good outlook on what goes on around here. 
  Thank you for the heads up on this site.
  Mr. Metzler, you're a quite inquisitive chap. There is no reason to be confused about me. Only a fool would hop onto this site occasionally and miss all that is written about Christ Church. So yes, I'm a bit aware of the craziness that goes on. What I didn't know was that a neighbor, like myself, would not be able to post some thoughts about a fellow business man in town without being raked over the coals about who I know. As far as my connection to those who attend Christ Church, I'm most certain I associate with them on a daily basis. This town is small, that Church is not. I don't live in a hole.
  It does appear that stepping up with some strong positive words about Mr. Hoffman has only made the uptight even more so. I suppose it's good people have something to talk about, even if fictional.
  Again, interesting.
  p.s. I'm with you, Mr. Decker, I think I'm done with this. This site could really mess with your mind.

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com.  Check it out. 
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