[Vision2020] Foie Gras

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 19 07:58:19 PDT 2006

Aye, you'll be wantin' to know about this website then...


September the 19th be National Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Arrr!


Dan Carscallen wrote:

>J the Irish Pirate says:
>"I hate liver of any kind.  The verra thought of eating an organ that is
>used by any animal as a "filter" for their body is disgusting."
>Aye, matey!  Shiver me timbers, I won't be eatin' any liver from
>anything under- or overfed any time soon.  Nor will I be eating any live
>fish, raw fish, nor cooked fish.  When we be sailin' off in any Spanish
>galleon that I may be thar captain, we'll be havin' plenty of red meat
>on hand for provisions, right along with many barrels of grog, of which
>I'll be partakin' a tankard of nigh every evening.
>Oh, and plenty of citrus fruit.  Don't wanna be gettin' no scurvy, arr!
>P.S.  Don't ye be takin' offense, JFord.  Pirate talk be fun!  AVAST!
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