[Vision2020] FW: Countdown to 25,000

TIM RIGSBY tim.rigsby at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 8 10:02:23 PDT 2006

Once again, I must copyright these emails as Dale insists on taking them out 
of context and posting them on his blahg without the prior consent of the 
author.  When will he ever learn?  What a dumb fuck.  Copyrighted 2006!!!

" 'Politics is the art of controlling your environment.' That is one of the 
key things I learned in these years, and I learned it the hard way. Anybody 
who thinks that 'it doesn't matter who's President' has never been Drafted 
and sent off to fight and die in a vicious, stupid War on the other side of 
the World -- or been beaten and gassed by Police for trespassing on public 
property -- or been hounded by the IRS for purely political reasons -- or 
locked up in the Cook County Jail with a broken nose and no phone access and 
twelve perverts wanting to stomp your ass in the shower. That is when it 
matters who is President or Governor or Police Chief. That is when you will 
wish you had voted." - Hunter S. Thompson

>From: "Jeremy Bird, WakeUpWalMart.com" <info at wakeupwalmart.com>
>Reply-To: info at wakeupwalmart.com
>To: tim.rigsby at hotmail.com
>Subject: Countdown to 25,000
>Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 12:39 -0400
>Dear Tim,
>Are you ready to fight for health care for all?
>Are you ready to fight for good paying jobs?
>Are you ready to fight for a better America?
>Then get on the bus and join the 2006 Change Wal-Mart, Change America 
>national bus tour that is sweeping the nation.  As part of the tour, we 
>have set a goal of signing up 25,000 supporters during the month of August.
>You are part of one of the most exciting, fastest growing social movements 
>in America today.  And, on the tour, Democrats all across America, like 
>Senator John Edwards, are uniting in calling on Wal-Mart, a company with 
>over $11 billion in profits, to do the right thing and provide affordable 
>health care, protect American jobs and pay a living wage.
>We are tired of big, powerful corporations like Wal-Mart taking our country 
>in the wrong direction.  In the last year, Wal-Mart has lobbied to ship 
>American jobs overseas, opposed expanding health care for working families 
>and fought against a living wage.  Wal-Mart’s agenda is so harmful to our 
>nation’s future that it threatens to weaken America’s position as the 
>world’s leader.
>Our fight is a fight for a better America.  It is a fight to put America 
>and the American people first.  Will you help us build a grassroots army to 
>fight for change?
>Great!  http://wakeupwalmart.com/friends to sign up to the campaign today 
>and help us meet our goal of signing up 25,000 new supporters on our 
>national bus tour:
>As we travel across the country, we are reminded of how optimistic and 
>hopeful the American people are.  Despite Wal-Mart’s efforts to lower 
>wages, lower benefits and destroy U.S. manufacturing jobs, the American 
>people, as do we, believe by joining together we have the power to change 
>even the largest of corporations.
>Please help us continue to build our movement because together we are going 
>to change Wal-Mart and change America for the better.
>Thank you for all that you do,
>Jeremy Bird
>P.S.  We are posting pictures and giving tour bus updates every day at 
>www.WakeUpWalMart.com so please check it out and join us on the tour!
>To unsubscribe, please visit: 

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