[Vision2020] Trinity Fest Questions

g. crabtree jampot at adelphia.net
Tue Aug 1 20:45:53 PDT 2006

Joan, crying shame about that near miss at Costco. I was down doing a little 
early Christmas shopping. I laid on a big supply of Ann Coulter's newest 
book for all my friends. Want me to put ya down for one? I also picked up a 
learn at home playing the violin for dummy's kit. Can't have a decent pity 
party without tunes I once heard someone say. Other then that it was pretty 
much just the essentials. A can of spleen, a box of vitriol, and a six pack 
of full of myself. You just can't get decent spleen in Moscow anymore, don't 
you think?


P.S. Where was the nasty? I was shooting for factual. Please extend my right 
proper devoirs to Rose and Melynda, and to you a good evening.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joan Opyr" <joanopyr at moscow.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Cc: <lblackburn at turbonet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Trinity Fest Questions

> Gary writes:
> "Last time I looked, the cable that the banner hangs from is attached to
> private property. The private property on the west side is New St.
> Andrews. Another perplexing mystery solved, wouldn't you say, Jackie?"
> Enough.  Why be nasty?  Is this really important enough for its very own
> thread?
> I'd like to say, right here, right now, that I don't give a fig about the
> Trinity Fest.  Have a beer garden, Doug.  Have two.  Worship the goddess
> Brigid.  Hoot your horns; blow your blow ticklers; let Toucan Sam (who
> seems to be nesting in the Starbucks' logo) spread your version of the
> gospel.  I hope the attendees have a high old time.  I hope all present
> feel fat, sassy, self-satisfied and elect.  I hope Doug takes up the
> karaoke mic again and belts out a rousing rendition of "Camptown Racers"
> and "Zippe-dee-doo-dah."  What's it to me?  Nothing.  And so nothing is
> what I intend to do.
> At some point, perhaps some non-Trinitarians among us (or those with a
> different definition of Christian goodwill and charity) will gather
> together for a Unity Festival in East City Park.  No charge; no fanfare;
> just some good music, some goodwill, and a few Hebrew Nationals tossed on
> the barbecue grill.  If there are any takers, contact me offline.  I've
> got a great bluegrass band in mind, and if the wonderful guys who played
> on The Auntie Establishment & Brother Carl Show a few weeks ago are
> interested, we could pass the hat and ask them along.
> People get ready,
> There's a train a-coming.
> Don't need no ticket,
> You just get on board.
> BTW, Idaho gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brady will be on the AEBC Show
> this Sunday from 2 to 4 pm.  Brother Carl and I are very excited about
> having him on the show, and we will open the phone lines and take your
> calls and questions.  We don't usually do phone-ins because I work the
> mixing board and, to be honest, I'm not that coordinated.  I can walk and
> chew gum, but that's about it.  Carl is the trained broadcast
> professional.  Still, I'll do my best, and you can talk to a hard-working
> Idaho man who's working hard to become Idaho's next governor.
> Gary -- sorry I missed meeting you in the Costco last Sunday.  Melynda
> said you stopped to chat while I was off in another aisle.  Too bad.  We
> could have compared carts.  I bought a double-pack of Newman's Own Cereal
> and some organic milk.  What did you get?  Anything good?  I'm wishing
> Moscow had a Costco.  I shop down there at least once a month, and I
> usually can't get out of the place for less than $300.  I buy stuff at
> Costco that I can't get up here, so I don't think a Costco would be
> particularly damaging to Moscow retail.
> (Someone may want to jump in here and prove me wrong.  If so, please,
> have at it.)
> Joan
> Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment
> www.joanopyr.com
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